Activated Sludge Systems
This approach was first developed in Manchester, just prior to the
outbreak of the First World War, to deal with the stronger effluents which were
being produced in increasingly large amount by the newly emerging chemicals
industry and were proving too toxic for the currently available methods of
biological processing. Treatment is again achieved by the action of aerobic
microbes, but in this method, they form a functional community held in suspension
within the effluent itself and are provided with an enhanced supply of oxygen
by an integral aeration system. This is a highly biomass-intensive approach and consequently requires less
space than filter to achieve the same treatment. The main features are shown in
Figure 6.4.
The activated sludge process has a higher
efficiency than the previously described filter system and is better able to
adapt to deal with variability in the wastewater input, both in terms of
quantity and concentration. However, very great changes in effluent character
will challenge it, since the resident microbial community is generally less
heterogeneous than commonly found in filters. Additionally, as a more complex
system, initial installation costs are higher and it requires greater
maintenance and more energy than a trickling filter of comparable throughput.
In use, the sludge tanks form the central part
of a three-part system, comprising a settlement tank, the actively aerated sludge
vessels themselves and a final
clarifier for secondary sedimentation. The first element of the
set-up allows heavy particles to settle at the bottom for removal, while
internal baffles or a specifically designed dip pipe off-take excludes floating
materials, oil, grease and surfactants.
After this physical
pretreatment phase, the wastewater flows into, and then slowly through, the
activated sludge tanks, where air is introduced, providing the enhanced
dissolved oxygen levels necessary to support the elevated micro-bial biomass
present. These micro-organisms represent a complex and integrated community,
with bacteria feeding on the organic content in the effluent, which are
themselves consumed by various forms of attached, crawling and free-swimming
protozoa, with rotifers also aiding proper floc formation by removing dispersed
biomass and the smaller particles which form. The action of aeration also
creates a circulation current within the liquid which helps to mix the contents
of the tank and homogenise the effluent while also keeping the whole sludge in
active suspen-sion. Sludge tanks are often arranged in batteries, so that the
part-treated effluent travels though a number of aeration zones, becoming
progressively cleaned as it goes.
At the end of the central
activated phase, the wastewater, which contains a sizeable sludge component by
this stage, leaves these tanks and enters the clarifiers. These are often
designed so that the effluent enters at their centre and flows out over a
series of weirs along the edge of the clarifier. As the wastewater travels
outward, the heavier biological mass sinks to the bottom of the clarifier.
Typically, collector arms rotate around the bottom of the tank to collect and
remove the settled biomass solids which, since they contain growing bacteria
that have developed in the aeration tanks, represent a potentially valuable
reservoir of process-acclimatised organisms.
Accordingly, some of this
collected biomass, termed the return activated sludge (RAS), is returned to the
beginning of the aeration phase to inoculate the new input effluent. This brings significant
benefits to the speed of processing achieved since otherwise, the wastewater
would require a longer residence time in which to develop the necessary
bacteria and other microbes. It also helps to maintain the high active biomass
density which is a fundamental characteristic of this system. The remaining
excess sludge is removed for disposal and the clean water flows over another
final weir system for discharge, or for tertiary treatment if required.
A similar treatment method
sometimes encountered is called aerobic digestion which uses identical vessels
to the aeration tanks described, the difference being operational. This
involves a batch process approach with a retention period of 30 days or more
and since they are not continuously fed, there is no flow-through of liquor
within or between digesters. Under these conditions, the bacteria grow rapidly
to maturity, but having exhausted the available nutrients, then die off leaving
a residue of dead microbial biomass, rather than an activated sludge as before.
At the end of the cycle, the contents of the aerobic digesters are transferred
to gravity thickeners, which function in much the same way as the secondary
clarifiers previously described. The settled solids are returned to the aerobic
digester not as an inoculant but as a food source for the next generation,
while the clear liquid travels over a separating weir and is returned to the
general treatment process.
In effect, then, the
‘activated sludge’ is a mixture of various micro-organisms, including bacteria,
protozoa, rotifers, and higher invertebrate forms, and it is by the combined
actions of these organisms that the biodegradable material in the incoming
effluent is treated. Thus, it should be obvious that to achieve process
control, it is important to control the growth of these microbes, which
therefore makes some understanding of the microbiology of activated sludge
essential. Bacteria account for around 95% of the microbial mass in activated
sludge and most of the dispersed growth suspended in the effluent is bacterial,
though ideally there should not be much of this present in a properly operating
activated sludge process. Generally speaking this tends only to feature in
young sludges, typically less than 3 or 4 days old, and only before proper
flocculation has begun. Ciliates are responsible for much of the removal of
dispersed growth and adsorption onto the surface of the floc particles
themselves also plays a part in its reduction. Significant amounts of dispersed
growth characterises the start-up phase, when high nutrient levels are present
and the bacterial population is actively growing. However, the presence of
excessive dispersed growth in an older sludge can often indicate that the
process of proper floc formation has been interrupted in some way. When floc
particles first develop they tend to be small and spherical, largely since
young sludges do not contain significant numbers of filamentous organisms and
those which are present are not sufficiently elongated to aid in the formation
process. Thus, the floc-forming bacteria can only flocculate with each other in
order to withstand shearing action, hence the typical globular shape. As the
sludge ages, the filamentous microbes begin to elongate, their numbers rise and
bacterial flocculation occurs along their length, providing greater resistance
to shearing, which in turn favours the floc-forming bacteria. As these thrive
and produce quantities of sticky, extracellular slime, larger floc particles
are formed, the increasingly irregular shape of which is very apparent on
microscopic exam-ination of the activated sludge. Mucus secretions from
rotifers, which become more numerous as the sludge ages, also contribute to
this overall process. Inter-ruption of this formative succession may occur as a
result of high toxicity within the input effluent, the lack of adequate
ciliated protozoan activity, excessive inter-tank shearing forces or the
presence of significant amounts of surfactant.
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