Genetic variation among individuals provides the raw material for the ultimate source of evolutionary changes.
Mutation and recombination are the two major
processes responsible for genetic variation. A sudden change in the genetic
Mutant Leaf material of an organisms is called mutation. The
term mutation was introduced
by Hugo de Vries (1901) while he has studying on the plant, evening
primrose (Oenothera lamarkiana) and proposed ‘Mutation theory’.
There are two broad
types of changes in genetic material. They are point mutation and chromosomal
Mutational events that
take place within individual genes are called gene mutations or point mutation,
whereas the changes occur in structure and number of chromosomes is called
chromosomal mutation. Agents which are responsible for mutation are called mutagens,
that increase the rate of mutation. Mutations can occur either
spontaneously or induced. The production of mutants through exposure of
mutagens is called mutagenesis, and the organism is said to be mutagenized.
Let us see the two
general classes of gene mutation:
Mutations affecting single base or base pair of DNA are called
point mutation
Mutations altering the number of copies of a small repeated
nucleotide sequence within a gene
It refers to alterations
of single base pairs of DNA or of a small number of adjacent base pairs
Point mutation in DNA
are categorised into two main types. They are base pair substitutions and base
pair insertions or deletions. Base substitutions are mutations in which there
is a change in the DNA such that one base pair is replaced by another (Figure:
3.17). It can be divided into two subtypes: transitions and transversions.
Addition or deletion mutations are actually additions or deletions of
nucleotide pairs and also called base pair addition or deletions. Collectively,
they are termed indel mutations (for insertion-deletion).
Substitution mutations
or indel mutations affect translation. Based on these different types of
mutations are given below.
The mutation that
changes one codon for an amino acid into another codon for that same amino acid
are called Synonymous or silent mutations. The mutation where the
codon for one amino acid is changed into a codon for another amino acid
is called Missense or non-synonymous mutations. The mutations where
codon for one amino acid is changed into a termination or stop codon is called Nonsense
mutation. Mutations that result in the addition or deletion of a
single base pair of DNA that changes the reading frame for the translation
process as a result of which there is complete loss of normal protein structure
and function are called Frameshift mutations (Figure: 3.19).
The factors which cause
genetic mutation are called mutagenic agents or mutagens. Mutagens are
of two types, physical mutagen and chemical mutagen. Muller (1927) was
the first to find out physical mutagen in Drosophila.
Scientists are using
temperature and radiations such as X rays, gamma rays, alfa rays, beta rays,
neutron, cosmic rays, radioactive isotopes, ultraviolet rays as physical
mutagen to produce mutation in various plants and animals.
Temperature: Increase in temperature
increases the rate of mutation. While rise in temperature, breaks the hydrogen
bonds between two DNA nucleotides which affects the process of replication and
Radiation: The electromagnetic
spectrum contains shorter and longer wave length rays than the visible
spectrum. These are classified into ionizing and non-ionizing radiation.
Ionizing radiation are short wave length and carry enough higher energy to
ionize electrons from atom. X rays, gamma rays, alfa rays, beta rays and cosmic
rays which breaks the chromosomes (chromosomal mutation) and chromatids in
irradiated cells. Non-ionizing radiation, UV rays have longer wavelengths and
carry lower energy, so they have lower penetrating power than the ionizing
radiations. It is used to treat unicellular microorganisms, spores, pollen
grains which possess nuclei located near surface membrane.
Sharbati Sonora is a
mutant variety of wheat, which is developed from Mexican variety (Sonora 64) by
irradiating of gamma rays. It is the work of Dr. M.S.Swaminathan who is
known as ‘Father of Indian green revolution’ and his team.
Castor Aruna is mutant
variety of castor which is developed by treatment of seeds with thermal
neutrons in order to induce very early maturity (120 days instead of 270 days
as original variety).
Chemicals which induce mutation are called chemical mutagens. Some chemical
mutagens are mustard gas, nitrous acid, ethyl and methyl methane sulphonate
(EMS and MMS), ethyl urethane, magnous salt, formaldehyde, eosin and
enthrosine. Example: Nitrous oxide alters the nitrogen bases of DNA and disturb
the replication and transcription that leads to the formation of incomplete and
defective polypeptide during translation.
The compounds which are
not having own mutagenic properties but can enhance the effects of known
mutagens are called comutagens.
Example: Ascorbic acid
increase the damage caused by hydrogen peroxide.
Caffeine increase the
toxicity of methotrexate
gas (Dichloro ethyl sulphide) used as chemical weapon in world war I.
J Muller (1928) first time used X rays to induce mutations in fruit fly.
J Stadler reported induced mutations in plants by using X rays and gamma rays.
mutagenesis was first reported by C. Auerback (1944).
The genome can also be
modified on a larger scale by altering the chromosome structure or by changing
the number of chromosomes in a cell. These large-scale variations are termed as
chromosomal mutations or chromosomal aberrations. Gene
mutations are changes that take place within a gene, whereas chromosomal
mutations are changes to a chromosome region consisting of many genes. It can
be detected by microscopic examination, genetic analysis, or both. In contrast,
gene mutations are never detectable microscopically. Chromosomal mutations are
divided into two groups: changes in chromosome number and changes in chromosome
Each cell of living
organisms possesses fixed number of chromosomes. It varies in different
species. Even though some species of plants and animals are having identical
number of chromosomes, they will not be similar in character. Hence the number
of chromosomes will not differentiate the character of species from one another
but the nature of hereditary material (gene) in chromosome that determines the
character of species.
Sometimes the chromosome
number of somatic cells are changed due to addition or elimination of
individual chromosome or basic set of chromosomes. This condition in known as numerical
chromosomal aberration or ploidy. There are two types of ploidy.
(i). Ploidy involving
individual chromosomes within a diploid set (Aneuploidy)
(ii). Ploidy involving
entire sets of chromosomes (Euploidy) (Figure 3.20)
(i) Aneuploidy
It is a condition in
which diploid number is altered either by addition or deletion of one or more
chromosomes. Organisms showing aneuploidy are known as aneuploids or heteroploids
. They are of two types, Hyperploidy and Hypoploidy (Figure 3.21).
1. Hyperploidy
Addition of one or more
chromosomes to diploid sets are called hyperploidy. Diploid set of
chromosomes represented as Disomy. Hyperploidy can be divided into three types.
They are as follows,
(a) Trisomy
Addition of single
chromosome to diploid set is called Simple trisomy(2n+1). Trisomics were
first reported by Blackeslee (1910) in Datura stramonium (Jimson
weed). But later it was reported in Nicotiana, Pisum
and Oenothera. Sometimes addition of two individual chromosome
from different chromosomal pairs to normal diploid sets are called Double
trisomy (2n+1+1).
(b) Tetrasomy
Addition of a pair or two individual pairs of chromosomes to diploid set is called tetrasomy (2n+2) and Double tetrasomy (2n+2+2) respectively. All possible tetrasomics are available in Wheat.
(c) Pentasomy
Addition of three
individual chromosome from different chromosomal pairs to normal diploid set
are called pentasomy (2n+3).
2. Hypoploidy
Loss of one or more
chromosome from the diploid set in the cell is called hypoploidy. It can
be divided into two types. They are
(a) Monosomy
Loss of a single
chromosome from the diploid set are called monosomy(2n-1). However loss
of two individual or three individual chromosomes are called double monosomy
(2n-1-1) and triple monosomy (2n-1-1-1) respectively. Double monosomics
are observed in maize.
(b) Nullisomy
Loss of a pair of homologous chromosomes or two pairs of homologous chromosomes from the diploid set are called Nullisomy (2n-2) and double Nullisomy (2n-2-2) respectively. Selfing of monosomic plants produce nullisomics. They are usually lethal.
(ii) Euploidy
Euploidy is a condition
where the organisms possess one or more basic sets of chromosomes. Euploidy is
classified as monoploidy, diploidy and polyploidy. The condition where an
organism or somatic cell has two sets of chromosomes are called diploid (2n).
Half the number of somatic chromosomes is referred as gametic chromosome number
called haploid(n). It should be noted that haploidy (n) is different from a monoploidy
(x). For example, the common wheat plant is a polyploidy (hexaploidy) 2n=6x=72
chromosomes. Its haploid number (n) is 36, but its monoploidy (x) is 12.
Therefore, the haploid and diploid condition came regularly one after another
and the same number of chromosomes is maintained from generation to generation,
but monoploidy condition occurs when an organism is under polyploidy condition.
In a true diploid both the monoploid and haploid chromosome number are same.
Thus a monoploid can be a haploid but all haploids cannot be a monoploid.
Polyploidy is the
condition where an organism possesses more than two basic sets of chromosomes.
When there are three, four, five or six basic sets of chromosomes, they are
called triploidy (3x) tetraploidy (4x), pentaploidy (5x) and hexaploidy (6x)
respectively. Generally, polyploidy is very common in plants but rarer in
animals. An increase in the number of chromosome sets has been an important
factor in the origin of new plant species. But higher ploidy level leads to
death. Polyploidy is of two types. They are autopolyploidy and allopolyploidy
The organism which
possesses more than two haploid sets of chromosomes derived from within the
same species is called autopolyploid. They are divided into two types.
Autotriploids and autotetraploids.
Autotriploids have three set of its
own genomes. They can be produced artificially by crossing between
autotetraploid and diploid species. They are highly sterile due to defective
gamete formation. Example: The cultivated banana are usually triploids and are
seedless having larger fruits than diploids. Triploid sugar beets have higher
sugar content than diploids and are resistant to moulds. Common doob grass (Cyanodon
dactylon) is a natural autotriploid. Seedless watermelon, apple, sugar
beet, tomato, banana are man made autotriploids.
Autotetraploids have four copies of its
own genome. They may be induced by doubling the chromosomes of a diploid
species. Example: rye, grapes, alfalfa, groundnut, potato and coffee.
An organism which
possesses two or more basic sets of chromosomes derived from two different
species is called allopolyploidy. It can be developed by interspecific crosses
and fertility is restored by chromosome doubling with colchicine treatment.
Allopolyploids are formed between closely related species only. (Figure 3.22)
Example:1 Raphanobrassica,
G.D. Karpechenko (1927) a Russian geneticist, crossed the
radish (Raphanus sativus, 2n=18) and cabbage (Brassica
oleracea, 2n=18) to produce F1 hybrid which was sterile.
When he doubled the chromosome of F1 hybrid he got it fertile. He
expected this plant to exhibit the root of radish and the leaves like cabbage,
which would make the entire plant edible, but the case was vice versa, so he
was greatly disappointed.
Example: 2 Triticale,
the successful first man made cereal. Depending on the ploidy level Triticale
can be divided into three main groups.
(i). Tetraploidy:
Crosses between diploid wheat and rye.
(ii). Hexaploidy:
Crosses between tetraploid wheat Triticum durum (macaroni wheat) and rye
(iii). Octoploidy:
Crosses between hexaploid wheat T. aestivum (bread wheat) and rye
Hexaploidy Triticale
hybrid plants demonstrate characteristics of both macaroni wheat and rye. For
example, they combine the high-protein content of wheat with rye’s high content
of the amino acid lysine, which is low in wheat. It can be explained by chart
below (Figure: 3.23).
Colchicine , an alkaloid is
extracted from root and corms of Colchicum autumnale,
when applied in low concentration to the growing tips of the
plants it will induce polyploidy. Surprisingly it does not affect the source
plant Colchicum, due to presence of anticolchicine.
Many polyploids are more vigorous and more adaptable than
Many ornamental plants are autotetraploids and have larger flower
and longer flowering duration than diploids.
Autopolyploids usually have increase in fresh weight due to more
water content.
Aneuploids are useful to determine the phenotypic effects of loss
or gain of different chromosomes.
Many angiosperms are allopolyploids and they play a role in an
evolution of plants.
Structural variations
caused by addition or deletion of a part of chromosome leading to rearrangement
of genes is called structural chromosomal aberration. It occurs
due to ionizing radiation or chemical compounds. On the basis of breaks
and reunion in chromosomes, there are four types of aberrations. They are
classified under two groups.
1. Deletion or Deficiency
2. Duplication or Repeat
3. Inversion
4. Translocation
Loss of a portion of
chromosome is called deletion. On the basis of location of breakage on
chromosome, it is divided into terminal deletion and intercalary deletion. It
occurs due to chemicals, drugs and radiations. It is observed in Drosophila
and Maize. (Figure 3.24)
There are two types of
Terminal deletion: Single break in any one end of the
Intercalary deletion or interstitial deletion: It is caused by two
breaks and reunion of terminal parts leaving the middle.
Both deletions are
observable during meiotic pachytene stage and polytene chromosome. The unpaired
loop formed in the normal chromosomal part at the time of chromosomal pairing.
Such loops are called as deficiency loops and it can be seen in meiotic
prophase. Larger deletions may lead to lethal effect.
The process of
arrangement of the same order of genes repeated more than once in the same
Due to duplication some genes are present in more than two copies. It was first
reported in Drosophila by Bridges (1919) and other examples are
Maize and Pea. It is three types.
i. Tandem duplication
The duplicated segment
is located immediately after the normal segment of the chromosome in the same
ii. Reverse tandem
The duplicated segment
is located immediately after the normal segment but the gene sequence order
will be reversed.
iii. Displaced
The duplicated segment
is located in the same chromosome, but away from the normal segment. (Figure
Duplications play a
major role in evolution.
A rearrangement of order
of genes in a chromosome by reversed by an angle 1800. This involve two
chromosomal breaks and reunion. During this process there is neither gain nor
loss but the gene sequences is rearranged. Inversion was first reported in Drosophila
by Sturtevant (1926). There are two types of inversion, paracentric and
pericentric (Figure 3.26).
i. Paracentric inversion: An inversion which takes place apart from the centromere
ii. Pericentric
inversion: An inversion that includes the centromere.
Inversions lead to
evolution of a new species.
The transfer of a
segment of chromosome to a non-homologous chromosome is called translocation.
Translocation should not be confused with crossing over, in which an exchange
of genetic material between homologous chromosome takes place. Translocation
occurs as a result of interchange of chromosome segments in non-homologous
chromosomes. There are three types
i. Simple translocation
Shift translocation
Reciprocal translocation
i. Simple translocation
A single break is made
in only one chromosome. The broken segment gets attached to one end of a
non-homologous chromosome. It occurs very rarly in nature.
ii. Shift translocation
Broken segment of one
chromosome gets inserted interstitially in a non-homologous chromosome.
iii. Reciprocal
It involves mutual exchange of chromosomal segments between two non-homologous chromosomes. It is also called illegitimate crossing over. It is further divided into two types (Figure 3.27).
a. Homozygous translocation: Both the chromosomes
of two pairs are involved in translocation. Two homologous of each translocated
chromosomes are identical.
b. Heterozygous translocation: Only one
of the chromosome from each pair of two homologous are involved in
translocation, while the remaining chromosome is normal.
Translocations play a
major role in the formation of species.
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