Modeling with
Linear Programming
Chapter Guide. This chapter concentrates on
model formulation and computations in linear
programming (LP). It starts
with the modeling and graphical solution of a two-variable problem which,
though highly simplified, provides a concrete understanding of the basic
concepts of LP and lays the foundation for the development of the general simplex algorithm in Chapter 3. To
illustrate the use of LP in the real world, applications are formulated and
solved in the areas of urban planning, currency arbitrage, in-vestment,
production planning and inventory control, gasoline blending, manpower
planning, and scheduling. On the computational side, two distinct types of
software are used in this chapter. (1) TaRA, a totally menu-driven and
self-documenting tutorial program, is designed to help you understand the
basics of LP through interactive feed-back. (2) Spreadsheet-based Excel Solver
and the AMPL modeling language are commercial packages designed for practical
material in Sections 2.1 and 2.2 is crucial for understanding later LP developments
in the book. You will find TORA's interactive graphical module especially
helpful in conjunction with Section 2.2. Section 2.3 presents diverse LP
applications, each followed by targeted problems.
2.4 introduces the commercial packages Excel Solver and AMPL. Models in Section
2.3 are solved with AMPL and Solver, and all the codes are included in folder
ch2Files. Additional Solver and AMPL models are included opportunely in the succeeding
chapters, and a detailed presentation of AMPL syntax is given in Appendix A. A
good way to learn AMPL and Solver is to experiment with the numerous models
presented throughout the book and to try to adapt them to the end-of-section
problems. The AMPL codes are cross-referenced with the material in Appendix A
to facilitate the learning process.
Solver, and AMPL materials have been deliberately compartmentalized either in
separate sections or under the subheadings TORA/So!ver/AMPL
moment to minimize disruptions in the main text. Nevertheless, you are
encouraged to work end-of-section
problems on the computer. The reason is that, at times, a model may look
"correct" until you try to obtain a solution, and only then will you
discover that the formulation needs modifications.
chapter includes summaries of 2 real-life applications, 12 solved examples, 2
Solver models, 4 AMPL models, 94 end-of-section problems, and 4 cases. The
cases are in Appendix E on the CD. The AMPL/Excel/Solver/TORA programs are in
folder ch2Files.
Application-Frontier Airlines Purchases Fuel Economically
fueling of an aircraft can take place at any of the stopovers along the flight
route. Fuel price varies among the stopovers, and potential savings can be
realized by loading extra fuel (called tankering)
at a cheaper location for use on subsequent flight legs. The disadvantage of
tankering is the excess burn of gasoline resulting from the extra weight. LP
(and heuristics) is used to determine the optimum amount of tankering that balances
the cost of excess burn against the savings in fuel cost. The study, carried
out in 1981, resulted in net savings of about $350,000 per year. Case 1 in
Chapter 24 on the CD provides the details of the study. Interestingly, with the
recent rise in the cost
of fuel, many airlines are now using LP-based tankering software to purchase
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