The judiciary is one of the important pillars of democracy. It has more
onerous responsibilities than two other important estates, the executive and
the legislature. It is the judiciary and the institution of justice that helps
the orderly functioning of parliamentary democracy and the exercise of powers
by the various wings of administrative machinery.
'Judicial activism' is inspired by the public, who knock the doors of
justice and thus judicial activism is basically citizens activism. By
exercising the right to freedom of expression and assuring the representation
of the common citizen, the press has raised same particular issues, conducted
risky investigation and exposed serious omissions, sometimes going to court
with public interest litigation. The lions share of citizens activism is that
of the press, the fourth estate. When the administration fails to respond the
citizen looks to the press for communication and turn to the judiciary for a
Since the judiciary is part and parcel of the
society as a whole and the persons who man the administration of justice are
none other than the same persons from the community, it is difficult to imagine
better standards and higher moral values only in the judiciary. The people as a
whole should therefore have overall control, in accordance with democratic
principles. Hence an enlightened and conscious citizen should ponder over the
need to reform every system, including the judiciary, to be more useful to the
public in general and the democratic institutions in particular.
The delayed dispensation of justice is one of the main maladies
confronting the fabric of our republic. If by delay justice is denied, it is
conversely burried if hurried. With its defective structure and unquestionable
power devoid of any accountability, the judiciary as for that matter, any
system can play havoc with the setup. Our constitutional frame work provides
for a fairly good amount of independence to the judiciary to act as watchdog,
over the other two estates. To retain such independence the judiciary is
rightly enjoying an enormous amount of power too.
The Supreme Court in India unlike in the U.S.A
has vast powers in controlling administrative discretion. Judicial activism,
particularly on public interest litigation, has revolutionised constitutional
jurisprudence. Persons belonging to the executive and legislative have criticiced
the judiciary for weakening those wings and making them feel insecure. They
described the situation as judicial tyranny and judicial grabbing or
phenomena reflect the denigration of justice system.
Charges of corruption, links between some advocates and some judges, the
brokerage system, chasing litigation, bias, political appointments of public
prosecutors and government pleaders are some of them.
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