Sovereignty: The supreme power which cannot be distorted and divided. The per-Independent India was ruled over by British empire and India didn’t posses sovereignty a country is ruled over by other nation, sovereignty resides with the ruling one and not the ruled. In the globalized era sovereignty is under threat, since the global exchange is unavoidable.
Preamble: Like preface of any book preamble is a gist or glimpses of any constitution in the world. If you want to understand about the basic structure of a political system, preamble is an apt one to read. Our Indian constitution’s preamble states, India is democratic, republic and sovereign…
Universal Suffrage: Voting rights to all the people invariable of gender, caste, color, religion, property and other divisive factors. India introduced adult suffrage immediately after the freedom. The superpowers like USA,UK have not implemented the suffrage to all the people after their freedom.
Statutes: A written law passed by the legislative body of a country. It is also added in the parliamentary laws after having had appropriate discussion.
Justice: Justice was the main concept discussed by many Greek philosophers. Justice is the main phenomenon which has to be maintained regardless of all kinds of discriminations.
Fiscal: Monetary oriented. Government of all types always used to concentrate in fiscal policy.
State of Nature: The stage of antiquity in which there was no organized form of government and society.
Anarchy: A complete chaos or the stage of confusion. Particularly in the modern era Iraq and Afghanistan haven’t posses concrete government structure since they are under American occupation.
City-state: Small states in which people are considered as powerful in decision-making. It exists in Greece 2300 years back.
Vasudaivakudumbagam: One world one family. It is a global idea which interlinks the entire nation-states into on family in which there will not be any distinctions.
Inalienable: That one which cannot be separated.
Ordinances: Special orders issued by the president on adhoc occasions.
De-jure: On accordance with law.
De-facto: Factually,one who rules really and concretely.
Justiciable: Subject to trial in a
court of law
Liberty: The state of being
free within society from oppressive restrictions
imposed by authority one’s behaviour or political views.
Democracy: The practice or
principles of social equality.
Obligation: Duty or commitment
Patriotism: Vigorous support for
one’s country
Anarchy: A state of disorder
due to absence or non-recognition of authority
Secular: Not connected with
religious or spiritual matters.
Acquisition: Buying or obtaining
of assets
Utilitarian: Designed to be useful
or practical rather than being attractive
Renaissance: The revival of art
and literature
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