Effect of Change of Input Torque
amount of power output delivered by an alternator running in parallel with
others is governed solely by the power input received from its prime mover. If
two alternators only are operating in parallel the increase in power input may
be accompanied by a minute increase in their speeds, causing a proportional
rise in frequency. This can be corrected by reducing the power input to the
other alternator, until the frequency is brought back to its original value. In
practice, when load is transferred from one alternator to another, the power
input to the alternator required to take additional load is increased, the
power input to the other alternator being simultaneously decreased. In this
way, the change in power output can be effected without measurable change in
the frequency. The effect of increasing the input to one prime mover is, thus,
seen to make its alternator take an increased share of the load, the other
being relieved to a corresponding extent. The final power-factors are also
altered, since the ratio of the reactive components of the load has also been
changed. The power-factors of the two alternators can be brought back to their
original values, if desired, by adjusting the excitations of alternators.
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