Portal hypertension
most commonly occurs as a consequence of chronic liver disease. Portal
hypertension is caused by increased blood flow within the portal venous system
and increased resis-tance to portal flow within the liver. Splanchnic blood
flow is increased in patients with cirrhosis due to low arteriolar resistance
that is mediated by increased circulating vasodilators and decreased vascular
sensitivity to vasoconstrictors. Intrahepatic vascular resis-tance is increased
in cirrhosis due to fixed fibrosis within the spaces of Disse and hepatic veins
as well as reversible vasoconstric-tion of hepatic sinusoids and venules. Among
the consequences of portal hypertension are ascites, hepatic encephalopathy,
and the development of portosystemic collaterals—especially gastric or
esophageal varices. Varices can rupture, leading to massive upper
gastrointestinal bleeding.
Several drugs are
available that reduce portal pressures. These may be used in the short term for
the treatment of active variceal hemorrhage or long term to reduce the risk of
The pharmacology of
octreotide is discussed above under Antidiarrheal Agents. In patients with
cirrhosis and portal hyper-tension, intravenous somatostatin (250 mcg/h) or
octreotide (50 mcg/h) reduces portal blood flow and variceal pressures;
however, the mechanism by which they do so is poorly understood. They donot
appear to induce direct contraction of vascular smooth muscle. Their activity
may be mediated through inhibition of release of glucagon and other gut
peptides that alter mesenteric blood flow. Although data from clinical trials
are conflicting, these agents are probably effective in promoting initial
hemostasis from bleeding esophageal varices. They are generally administered
for 3–5 days.
Vasopressin (antidiuretic hormone) is a polypeptide hormonesecreted by the
hypothalamus and stored in the posterior pituitary. Although its primary
physiologic role is to maintain serum osmolality, it is also a potent arterial
vasoconstrictor. When administered intravenously by continuous infusion,
vasopressin causes splanchnic arterial vaso-constriction that leads to reduced
splanchnic perfusion and low-ered portal venous pressures. Before the advent of
octreotide, vasopressin was commonly used to treat acute variceal hemorrhage.
However, because of its high adverse-effect profile, it is no longer used for
this purpose. In contrast, for patients with acute gastroin-testinal bleeding
from small bowel or large bowel vascular ectasias or diverticulosis,
vasopressin may be infused—to promote vasos-pasm—into one of the branches of
the superior or inferior mesen-teric artery through an angiographically placed
catheter. Adverse effects with systemic vasopressin are common. Systemic and
peripheral vasoconstriction can lead to hypertension, myocardial ischemia or
infarction, or mesenteric infarction. These effects may be reduced by
coadministration of nitroglycerin, which may fur-ther reduce portal venous
pressures (by reducing portohepatic
vascular resistance)
and may also reduce the coronary and periph-eral vascular vasospasm caused by
vasopressin. Other common adverse effects are nausea, abdominal cramps, and
diarrhea (due to intestinal hyperactivity). Furthermore, the antidiuretic
effects of vasopressin promote retention of free water, which can lead to
hyponatremia, fluid retention, and pulmonary edema.
Terlipressin is a vasopressin analog that appears to have similarefficacy to
vasopressin with fewer adverse effects. Although this agent is available in
other countries, it has never been approved for use in the USA.
Beta-receptor antagonists reduce portal venous pres-sures via a decrease in portal venous inflow. This decrease is due to a decrease in cardiac output (β1 blockade) and to splanchnic vasoconstriction (β2 blockade) caused by the unopposed effect of systemic catecholamines on α receptors. Thus, nonselective β blockers such as propranolol and nadolol are more effective than selective β1 blockers in reducing portal pressures. Among patients with cirrhosis and esophageal varices who have not previously had an episode of variceal hemorrhage, the incidence of bleeding among patients treated with nonselective β blockers is 15% compared with 25% in control groups. Among patients with a history of variceal hemorrhage, the likelihood of recurrent hem-orrhage is 80% within 2 years. Nonselective β blockers signifi-cantly reduce the rate of recurrent bleeding, although a reduction in mortality is unproved.
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