is a structural analog of amiodarone in which the iodine atoms have been
removed from the phenyl ring and a meth-anesulfonyl group added to the
benzofuran ring. The design was intended to eliminate action of the parent drug
on thyroxine metabolism and to modify the half-life of the drug. No thyroid
dysfunction or pulmonary toxicity has been reported in short-term studies.
However, liver toxicity, including two severe cases requiring liver
transplantation, has been reported. Like amiodarone, drone-darone has
multichannel actions, including blocking IKr, IKs, ICa,
and INa. It also has β-adrenergic–blocking action. The drug has a
half-life of 24 hours and can be administered twice daily at a fixed dose of
400 mg. Dronedarone absorption increases twofold to threefold when taken with
food, and this information should be communicated to patients as a part of the
dosing instructions. Dronedarone elimination is primarily non-renal. However,
it inhib-its tubular secretion of creatinine, resulting in a 10–20% increase in
serum creatinine. However, because glomerular filtration rate is unchanged, no
adjustments are required. Dronedarone is both a sub-strate and an inhibitor of
CY3A4 and should not be co-administered with potent inhibitors of this enzyme,
such as the azole and similar antifungal agents, and protease inhibitors.
restores sinus rhythm in a small percentage of patients (< 15%) with atrial
fibrillation. It produces a 10- to 15-bpm reduction of the ventricular rate
compared to placebo. Dronedarone doubled the interval between episodes of
atrial fibrillation recurrence in patients with paroxysmal atrial
fibrillation. Initial studies suggested a reduction in mortality or
hospitalization in patients with atrial fibrillation. However, a study of
dronedarone’s effects in permanent atrial fibrillation was terminated in 2011
because of increased risk of death, stroke, and heart failure. Similarly, a
trial of dronedarone in advanced heart failure was terminated prematurely
because of an increase in mortality. The drug carries a “black box” warning
against its use in acute decompensated or advanced (class IV) heart failure.
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