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Chapter: Medicine Study Notes : Haematology and Immunology

Diseases caused by Antibodies - Allergy and Hypersensitivity Disorders

Antibodies against tissue antigens, Immune complexes formed from a soluble antigen and specific antibody;

Diseases caused by Antibodies


Antibodies against tissue antigens


·        Cause disease specific for that cell/tissue


·        Usually auto-antibodies: but may be a foreign antigen that is immunologically cross-reactive with a component of self-tissues

·        Usually IgG or IgM


·        Antibodies may be specific for cellular structures: eg receptors. May lead to interference in function, eg myasthenia gravis, Graves disease


 Immune complexes formed from a soluble antigen and specific antibody


·        Formed in the circulation, deposit typically in arteries, glomeruli, synovia

·        Leads to local leucocyte activation and tissue injury

·       Antigens can be foreign or self antigens, antibodies are usually IgG or IgM

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Medicine Study Notes : Haematology and Immunology : Diseases caused by Antibodies - Allergy and Hypersensitivity Disorders |

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