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Chapter: 9th Social Science : Geography : Atmosphere

Clouds - Elements of Weather and Climate

Large amount of water evaporates each day from the surface of the sea. This is the principal source of atmospheric moisture.


Large amount of water evaporates each day from the surface of the sea. This is the principal source of atmospheric moisture. Cool moisture laden air, gets collected around particles like dust, salt content from the sea, smoke etc., and forms clouds. Sometimes, mixing of warmer and cooler air also produces clouds. A visible mass of condensed water vapour floating in the air above the ground level is called a cloud. The three layers of atmosphere such as troposphere, stratosphere and mesosphere are specific locations of clouds.

According to their height, clouds are classified into the following types


·        High clouds (6-20km Height)

·        Middle clouds (2.5km-6km Height)

·        Low clouds (ground surface to 25 km height)


These major types of clouds are further divided into different types on the basis of shape and structure.


High clouds


Cirrus:Detachedcloudsintheformof white delicate fibrous silky filaments formed at the high sky (8000 meters to 12000 meters) are called Cirrus clouds. These clouds are dry and do not give rainfall.

Cirro-cumulus: White patched, sheet or layer like clouds composed of ice crystals.


Cirro-stratus: Smooth milky transparent whitish clouds composed of tiny ice crystals.


Middle clouds


Alto -stratus: Thin sheets of grey or blue coloured clouds in uniform appearance. consisting of frozen water droplets


Alto-cumulus: clouds fitted closely together in parallel bands, called as 'Sheep clouds' or wool pack clouds.


Nimbo stratus: These are clouds of dark colour very close to the ground surface associated with rain, snow or sleet.


Low clouds


Strato-cumulus:-Greyorwhitishlayer of non-fibrous low clouds found in rounded patches at an height of 2500 to 3000 metres, associated with fair or clear weather

Stratus:- Dense, low lying fog-like clouds associated with rain or snow

Cumulus:- Dome-shaped with a flat base often resembling a cauliflower, associated with fair weather

Cumulo- nimbus:- Fluffy thick towering thunderstorm cloud capable of producing heavy rain, snow, hailstorm or tornadoes


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9th Social Science : Geography : Atmosphere : Clouds - Elements of Weather and Climate |

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