of boilers
The steam boilers are classified
according to the following conditions
1. According to
the relative position of water and hot gases
a. Fire tube
boiler [Cochran Boiler]
b. Water tube
boiler [ Babcock –Wilcox Boiler]
2. According to
the axis of shell
a. Vertical boiler [Cochran Boiler]
b. Horizontal boiler [Lancashire Boiler]
3. According to the position of boiler
a. Internally fired boiler [ all fire
tube boilers] [Cochran Boilers]
b. Externally fired boiler [ all water
tube boilers] [Babcock and Wilcox Boilers]
4. According to the pressure developed
a. Low pressure boiler [Pressure less
than 80 bar]
b. High pressure boiler [Pressure
greater than 80 bar]
5. According to the method of water
a. Natural circulation [all low pressure
boilers] [ Cochran Boiler]
b. Forced circulation [all high pressure
boilers] [ LaMont Boiler]
6. According to the use of the boiler
a. Stationary boiler [Cochran Boiler]
b. Mobile boiler [Locomotive Boiler]
7. According to the number of drums
a. Single Drum
b. Multi Drum
8. According to the nature of
draught a. Natural Draught
b. Forced Draught
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