1. One man One vote:
Under this provision every other is entitled for one and only one vote. The voter can cast his vote in favour of any candidate.
2. Single Transferable vote:
In this system, which is designed for multimember constituency, the voter possesses only one vote. But he can make his priority like 1,2,3, etc, according to his requirement.
If a candidate fails to secure a majority, the vortes polled for him will be reallocated according to the second choice, and then third choice, until a clear majority is obtained by a candidate. In India, election of the president, and members of Rajya Sabha are held on the single transferable vote method.
3. Plural Voting:
According to this system, several qualifications are prescribed for the right to vote such as payment of property tax and education.
A person who owns property or is a tax payer or is educated is eligible for an vote, because he possesses all of these qualifications.
At the same time, a person who is educated, possess property and is a tax payer, is entitled for three votes.
A voter is entitled for one vote for every qualification he possesses. In Belgium, this method was used earlier.
3. Open Ballot:
Under this system, the voters raise their hands to support a candidate. Montesquieu advocated this system because, seeing intelligent people raise their hands for a right candidates, the uneducated man would also support him.
However this method is not practical, considering the vast size of electorates. In the legislative assemblies and the parliament, when motions and bills are introduced the speaker puts it for voting. Members who support raise their hands on that basis, the speaker declares the bill passed or defeated.
4. Secret Ballot:
In this system the voter casts his vote in favour of a candidate, without the knowledge of another person. A voter can exercise his franchise without fear. In polling station, an enclosure is provided for him to mark his vote and put the ballot in the ballot box. The ballots are mixed and no body can identify the exact vote polled by any voter. This method is adopted in most of the countries in the election to their legislature. In India also 85 Only secret ballot method is used for elections to the state legislative assemblies and parliament.
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11th 12th std standard Political Science History goverment rule laws life Higher secondary school College Notes : Classification and Types Vote |