Learning Objectives
After the completion
of this lesson, students will be able to
* know about different
types of hydrocarbons.
* understand the
fomation of fossil fuels.
* list out the
properties and uses of different fuel gases.
* understand the
process involved in the refining of petroleum.
* know about the types
and uses of coal.
* know about the
characteristics of ideal fuel.
* list out the
applications of solar energy.
When we hear the word chemistry we
think of chemical reactions conducted in the laboratories. But chemistry is
beyond that. We can find chemistry in everything in our surrounding. It is in
the air we breathe, the food we eat and in everything we use in our daily life.
Our body is made of elements like nitrogen, phosphorous, hydrogen, oxygen,
calcium, potassium, sulphur, magnesium etc. All the chemical reactions taking
place in our body are due to chemistry.
Our whole life is dependent on
various chemical compounds. Among them, hydrocarbons are the most important
one. They find application in our daily life. We can say that the whole
civilization is driven by hydrocarbons because they make up the fossil fuels
petroleum, coal and natural gas. In this lesson we are going to study about
different types of hydrocarbons, fossil fuels like petroleum, coal and natural
gas, characteristics of fuel and solar energy and its applications.
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