Antigenicity is defined as the property of a
substance (antigen) that allows it to react with the products of a specific
immune response (antibody or T-cell receptor). On the other hand,
immunogenicity is defined as the property of a substance (immunogen) that
en-dows it with the capacity to provoke a specific immune response. From these
definitions it follows that all immunogens are antigens; the reverse, however,
is not true, as dis-cussed later.
B-cell immunogens are usually complex, large
molecules that are able to interact with B-cell surface receptors (membrane
immunoglobulins) and deliver the initial activat-ing signal leading to clonal
expansion and differentiation of antibody-producing cells. T-cell immunogens
can be best defined as compounds that can be processed by antigen-pre-senting
cells into short polypeptide chains that combine with MHC molecules; the
peptide-MHC complexes are able to interact with specific T-cell receptors and
deliver ac-tivating signal to the T cells carrying such receptors.
Landsteiner, Pauling, and others discovered in
the 1930s and 1940s that small aro-matic groups, such as amino-benzene
sulfonate, amino-benzene arsenate, and amino-ben-zene carboxylate, unable to
induce antibody responses by themselves, would elicit antibody formation when
chemically coupled to immunogenic proteins. The injection of these com-plexes
into laboratory animals resulted in the production of antibodies specific for
the dif-ferent aromatic groups. The aromatic groups were designated as
“haptens” and the im-munogenic proteins as “carriers.” The immune response
induced by a hapten-carrier conjugate included antibodies able to recognize the
hapten and the carrier as separate enti-ties. The hapten-specific antibodies
are also able to react with soluble hapten molecules, free of carrier protein.
Thus, a hapten is an antigen, but not an immunogen. In practical terms, it must
be noted that the designations of antigen and immunogen are often used
Experiments comparing the specificity of
hapten-specific antibodies induced with isomers of aromatic groups were
critical for the definition of antibody specificity . Experiments comparing the
effects of different hapten-carrier combinations or preimmunization with
carrier proteins on hapten-specific responses helped to define T-B lymphocyte
cooperation. Later, the principles established with hapten-carrier conjugates
were expanded to the induction of immune responses di-rected against many small
molecular weight compounds and even poorly immunogenic polysaccharides, all of
which may induce strong responses after conjugation to an im-munogenic carrier
protein. This knowledge helped explain the pathogenesis of some
hy-persensitivity disorders and was the basis for the development of improved
immunization protocols .
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