Pain is inevitable during recovery from any burn
injury. Pain in the burn patient has been described as a tormenting consequence
of burn injury and wound healing (Jonsson, Holmsten, Dahlstrom & Jonsson,
1998). Burn pain is thought to have both nociceptive and neuropathic pain
components. Management of the often-severe pain is one of the most difficult
challenges facing the burn team. Many factors contribute to the burn patient’s
pain experience. These factors include but are not limited to the severity of
the pain, the adequacy of the health care provider’s assessment of the pain,
the appropriateness and adequacy of pharmacologic treatment of pain, the
multiple procedures involved in burn care (ie, wound care, rehabilitative
exercises), and appropriate evaluation of the effectiveness of pain relief
measures. The outstanding features of burn pain are its intensity and long
duration. Further, necessary wound care carries with it the anticipation of
pain and anxiety.
partial-thickness burns, the nerve endings are exposed, re-sulting in
excruciating pain with exposure to air currents. Although nerve endings are
destroyed in full-thickness burns, the margins of the burn wound are
hypersensitive to pain, and there is pain in adjacent structures. Healing of
full-thickness burns creates signif-icant discomfort as regenerating nerve
endings become entrapped in scar formation. Most severe burns are a combination
of partial-thickness and full-thickness burns.
Burn patients have been described as having three
types of pain: background or resting pain, procedural pain, and break-through
pain. Background pain is pain that exists on a 24-hour basis. Procedural pain
is pain caused by procedures such as burn wound care or range of motion
exercises. Breakthrough pain oc-curs when blood levels of analgesic agents fall
below the level re-quired to control background pain. The patient’s pain level
must be assessed throughout the day because each type of pain is dif-ferent and
various pain management strategies may be needed to address different types of
pain (McCaffrey & Pasaro, 1999).
primary pain from the burn itself is intense in the initial acute postburn
phase. In the next few weeks thereafter, until the skin heals or skin grafts
are applied and heal, the pain intensity re-mains high because of
treatment-induced pain. Wound cleaning, dressing changes, débridement, and
physical therapy can all cause intense pain. Donor sites may be intensely
painful for several days. Discomfort related to tissue healing, such as
itching, tingling, and tightness of contracting skin and joints, adds to the
duration, if not the intensity, of pain over weeks or months. Because pain
can-not be eliminated short of complete anesthesia, the goal is to min-imize
the pain with analgesic agents to an acceptable goal set by the patient.
administration via the intravenous (IV) route, partic-ularly in the emergent
and acute phases of burn management, re-mains the mainstay for pharmacologic
management of burn pain. Use of opioids is complicated by the fluctuation in
the bioavail-ability of drugs, protein binding of the drug, and the drug
clear-ance related to the hemodynamic and fluid volume shifts that occur with a
burn injury. Absorption of the opioid also may be affected. Titrating analgesic
agents to obtain pain relief while minimizing side effects is crucial. The burn
patient’s require-ments for analgesia are often high, but fear of addiction on
the part of the patient and health care provider hamper adequate opioid
sulfate remains the analgesic of choice for treat-ment of acute burn pain. It
is titrated to obtain pain relief based on the patient’s self-report of pain
using a standardized pain rating scale.
is another useful opioid for burn pain, particularly procedural burn pain. It
has been shown to be effective for man-agement of intense pain of short
duration. Fentanyl has a rapid onset, high potency, and short duration, all of
which make it effective for use with burn wound procedures. Appropriate
car-diac and respiratory monitoring must be carried out during its
analgesia (PCA), in which a pump is used to administer a continuous infusion of
an opioid, maintains a steady level of opioid for pain relief. Use of
continuous infusion requires close monitoring of the patient’s responses.
opioids, such as MS Contin or oxycodone (OxyContin), have also been used
successfully in the treatment of burn pain. These medications can effectively
treat the resting pain that is often associated with burn injury. Additional
med-ications must be prescribed with these medications to cover breakthrough
burn units use self-administered nitrous oxide during burn wound procedures.
Proper ventilation and monitoring equipment and availability of qualified
personnel to administer nitrous oxide limit its use.
Anxiety and pain go hand in hand for burn patients.
The entire burn experience can produce severe anxiety, which can, in turn,
exacerbate pain. Therefore, the ideal pain management regimen must incorporate
the treatment of pain and anxiety and must be individualized for each patient.
Sedation with anxiolytic medica-tions such as lorazepam (Ativan) and midazolam
(Versed) may be indicated in addition to the administration of opioids.
The use of nonpharmacologic measures has also
proven effec-tive in the management of burn pain. These measures include
re-laxation techniques, deep breathing exercises, distraction, guided imagery,
hypnosis, therapeutic touch, humor, information giving, and music therapy
(McCaffrey & Pasaro, 1999).
therapy has gained interest recently in the treatment of pain. Researchers have
found that music affects both the physio-logic and psychological aspects of the
pain experience. Music di-verts the patient’s attention from the painful
stimulus; provides reality orientation, distraction, and sensory stimulation;
and allows for patient self-expression (Fratianne et al., 2001; Prensner et
al., 2001).
Burn injuries produce profound metabolic
abnormalities fueled by the exaggerated stress response to the injury. The
body’s re-sponse has been classified as hyperdynamic, hypermetabolic, and
hypercatabolic. Hypermetabolism can affect morbidity and mor-tality by
increasing the risk of infection and slowing the healing rate. Patients’
metabolic demands vary with the extent of the burn injury. Hypermetabolism is
evident immediately after a burn in-jury. The degree of the response depends on
the size of the burn and the patient’s age, body composition, size, and genetic
response to insult. Persistent hypermetabolism may last up to 1 year after burn
injury (Hart et al., 2000).
Major metabolic abnormalities seen after a burn
injury include increased catabolic hormones (cortisol and catechols); decreased
anabolic hormones (human growth factor and testosterone); a marked increase in
the metabolic rate; a sustained increase in body temperature; a marked increase
in glucose demands; rapid skeletal muscle breakdown with amino acids serving as
the energy source; lack of ketosis, indicating that fat is not a major source
of calories; and catabolism that does not respond to nutrient intake (DemlingSeigne,
2000). Therefore, it is essential to control the stress re-sponse by increasing
the anabolic process through adequate nutri-tion and increased muscle activity,
decreasing heat loss from wounds, and maintaining a warm environment.
Controlling sec-ondary stress, such as pain and anxiety, also helps to control
the stress response.
most important of these interventions is to provide adequate nutrition and
calories to decrease catabolism. Nutritional support with optimized protein
intake can decrease protein losses by approximately 50% (Cioffi, 2000). Healing
of the burn wound consumes large quantities of energy. Effective nutrition
man-agement depends on how well the energy expenditure due to the burn injury
can be estimated and matched with appropriate amounts of micronutrients,
carbohydrates, lipids, and protein. The goal of nutritional support is to
promote a state of positive nitro-gen balance by optimizing nutrition to match
nutrient utilization. The nutritional support required is based on the
patient’s preburn status and the TBSA burned.
Several formulas exist for estimating the daily
metabolic ex-penditure and caloric requirements of patients with burn injuries.
The most commonly used formulas include the Curreiri formula, which uses body
weight and percent burn, and a variation of the Harris-Bennedict equation,
which determines basal energy re-quirements based on stress and burn size
(Demling & Seigne, 2000). Protein requirements may range from 1.5 to 4.0 g
of pro-tein per kilogram of body weight every 24 hours. Lipids are in-cluded in
the nutritional support of every burn patient because of their importance for
wound healing, cellular integrity, and ab-sorption of fat-soluble vitamins.
Carbohydrates are included to meet caloric requirements as high as 5,000
calories per day and to spare protein, which is essential for wound healing.
The pa-tient also needs adequate vitamins and minerals. Existing for-mulas may
underestimate the daily metabolic expenditures associated with burns. The
formulas fail to account for added stressors such as pain, anxiety, daily
dressing changes, and de-creased activity levels. These must be considered when
estimat-ing appropriate nutritional support. Research findings have brought
about changes in specific guidelines for estimating en-ergy expenditure during
the various phases of postburn recovery. The proportions of fat, protein, and
carbohydrate must be care-fully planned for maximal use (Demling & Seigne,
The enteral route of feeding is far superior to the
parenteral route. Enteral feedings preserve the intestinal barrier function and
absorption of peptides and amino acids, which leads to higher nitrogen
retention. Feedings are started as soon as possible. If a feeding tube is used,
placement into the duodenum is ideal to prevent aspiration and to allow for
continuous, uninterrupted feedings during surgical procedures. If the oral
route is used, high-protein, high-calorie meals and supplements are given.
Dietary consultations are useful in helping patients meet their nutritional
needs. Daily calorie counts aid in assessing the ade-quacy of nutritional
intake. Overfeeding must be avoided because it increases metabolism, O2
consumption, and CO2 production.
Patients lose a great deal of weight during
recovery from se-vere burns. Reserve fat deposits are catabolized, fluids are
lost, and caloric intake may be limited. Because a burn injury lowers the
patient’s resistance to infection and disease, the nutritional status must be
improved and maintained although the patient has a poor appetite and is weak.
for parenteral nutrition include weight loss greater than 10% of normal body
weight, inadequate intake of enteral nutrition due to clinical status,
prolonged wound exposure, and malnutrition or debilitated condition before
injury. The risk of infection at the site of the central venous catheter
required for parenteral nutrition must be considered. Moreover, the risk of
Curling’s ulcer continues in the acute phase.
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