keeping with the critical role of the sympathetic nervous system in the control
of blood pressure, a major area of application of the sympathomimetics is in
cardiovascular conditions.
hypotension may occur in a variety of settings such as severe hemorrhage,
decreased blood volume, cardiac arrhythmias, neuro-logic disease or accidents,
adverse reactions or overdose of medica-tions such as antihypertensive drugs,
and infection. If cerebral, renal, and cardiac perfusion is maintained,
hypotension itself does not usually require vigorous direct treatment. Rather,
placing the patient in the recumbent position and ensuring adequate fluid
volume while the primary problem is determined and treated is usually the
correct course of action. The use of sympathomimetic drugs merely to elevate a
blood pressure that is not an immediate threat to the patient may increase
morbidity. Sympathomimetic drugs may be used in a hypotensive emergency to
preserve cerebral and coronary blood flow. The treatment is usually of short
dura-tion while the appropriate intravenous fluid or blood is being
administered. Direct-acting α agonists such as norepinephrine,phenylephrine, and methoxamine have been used in this settingwhen vasoconstriction is
Shock is a complex acute cardiovascular syndrome
that resultsin a critical reduction in perfusion of vital tissues and a wide range
of systemic effects. Shock is usually associated with hypotension, an altered
mental state, oliguria, and metabolic acidosis. If untreated, shock usually
progresses to a refractory deteriorating state and death. The three major
mechanisms responsible for shock are hypovolemia, cardiac insufficiency, and
altered vascular resistance. Volume replacement and treatment of the underlying
disease are the mainstays of the treatment of shock. Although sympathomimetic
drugs have been used in the treatment of virtu-ally all forms of shock, their
efficacy is unclear.
most forms of shock, intense vasoconstriction, mediated by reflex sympathetic
nervous system activation, is present. Indeed, efforts aimed at reducing rather
than increasing peripheral resis-tance may be more fruitful to improve
cerebral, coronary, and renal perfusion. A decision to use vasoconstrictors or
vasodilators is best made on the basis of information about the underlying
cause. Their use may require invasive monitoring.
Cardiogenic shock and acute heart failure, usually due to
mas-sive myocardial infarction, has a poor prognosis. Mechanically assisted
perfusion and emergency cardiac surgery have been utilized in some settings.
Optimal fluid replacement requires monitoring of pulmonary capillary wedge
pressure and other parameters of cardiacfunction. Positive inotropic agents
such as dopamine or dobutamine may provide short-term relief of heart failure
symptoms in patients with advanced ventricular dysfunction. In low to moderate
doses, these drugs may increase cardiac output and, compared with
norepi-nephrine, cause relatively little peripheral vasoconstriction.
Isoproterenol increases heart rate and work more than either dop-amine or
dobutamine. Unfortunately, the patient with shock may not respond to any of
these therapeutic maneuvers; the temptation is then to use vaso-constrictors to
maintain blood pressure. Coronary perfusion may be improved, but this gain may
be offset by increased myocardial oxygen demands as well as more severe vasoconstriction
in blood vessels to the abdominal viscera. Therefore, the goal of therapy in
shock should be to optimize tissue perfusion, not blood pressure.
standing, gravitational forces induce venous pooling, resulting in decreased
venous return. Normally, a decrease in blood pressure is prevented by reflex
sympathetic activation with increased heart rate, and peripheral arterial and
venous vasoconstriction. Impairment of autonomic reflexes that regulate blood
pressure can lead to chronic orthostatic hypotension. This is more often due to
medica-tions that can interfere with autonomic function (eg, imipramine and
other tricyclic antidepressants, α blockers for the treatment of urinary
retention, and diuretics) diabetes, and other diseases causing peripheral
autonomic neuropathies, and less commonly, primary degenerative disorders of
the autonomic nervous system.
peripheral resistance is one of the strategies to treat chronic orthostatic
hypotension, and drugs activating α receptors can be used for this purpose.
Midodrine, an orally active α1 ago-nist, is frequently used for this
indication. Other sympathomimet-ics, such as oral ephedrine or phenylephrine,
can be tried.
such as isoproterenol and epinephrine have been used in the temporary emergency
management of complete heart block and cardiac arrest. Epinephrine may be
useful in cardiac arrest in part by redistributing blood flow during
cardiopulmo-nary resuscitation to coronaries and to the brain. However,
elec-tronic pacemakers are both safer and more effective in heart block and
should be inserted as soon as possible if there is any indication of continued
high-degree block.
Dobutamine injection is used as a
pharmacologic cardiac stress test. Dobutamine
augments myocardial contractility andpromotes coronary and systemic
vasodilation. These actions lead to increased heart rate and increased
myocardial work and can reveal areas of ischemia in the myocardium that are
detected by echocardiogram or nuclear medicine techniques. Dobutamine is often
used in patients unable to exercise during the stress test.
of local or regional blood flow is desirable for achieving hemostasis in
surgery, for reducing diffusion of local anesthetics away from the site of
administration, and for reducing mucous membrane congestion. In each instance, α-receptor activation
is desired, and the choice of agent depends on the maximal efficacy required,
the desired duration of action, and the route of admin-istration.
pharmacologic hemostasis, often necessary for facial, oral, and nasopharyngeal
surgery, requires drugs of high efficacy that can be administered in high
concentration by local application. Epinephrine is usually applied topically in
nasal packs (for epistaxis) or in a gingival string (for gingivectomy). Cocaine
is still sometimes used for nasopharyngeal surgery because it combines a
hemostatic effect with local anesthesia. Occasionally, cocaine is mixed with
epinephrine for maximum hemostasis and local anesthesia.
agonists with some local anesthetics greatly pro-longs the duration of
infiltration nerve block; the total dose of local anesthetic (and the
probability of toxicity) can therefore be reduced. Epinephrine, 1:200,000, is
the favored agent for this application, but norepinephrine, phenylephrine, and
other α
ago-nists have also been used. Systemic effects on the heart and periph-eral
vasculature may occur even with local drug administration but are usually
minimal. Use of epinephrine with local anesthesia of acral vascular beds
(digits, nose, and ears) has not been advised because of fear of ischemic
necrosis. Recent studies suggest that it can be used (with caution) for this
membrane decongestants are α agonists that reduce the discomfort of hay
fever and, to a lesser extent, the common cold by decreasing the volume of the
nasal mucosa. These effects are probably mediated by α1 receptors. Unfortunately, rebound hyperemia
may follow the use of these agents, and repeated topical use of high drug
concentrations may result in ischemic changes in the mucous membranes, probably
as a result of vasoconstriction of nutrient arteries. Constriction of these
vessels may involve activa-tion of α2 receptors, and phenylephrine is often used in
nasal decongestant sprays. A longer duration of action—at the cost of much
lower local concentrations and greater potential for cardiac and central
nervous system effects—can be achieved by the oral administration of agents
such as ephedrine or one of its isomers, pseudoephedrine. Long-acting topical
decongestants include xylo-metazoline and oxymetazoline. Most of these mucous
membrane decongestants are available as over-the-counter products.
of the most important uses of sympathomimetic drugs is in the therapy of
bronchial asthma. Beta2-selective drugs (albuterol, metaproterenol,
terbutaline) are used for this purpose. Short-acting preparations can be used
only transiently for acute treat-ment of asthma symptoms. For chronic asthma
treatment in adults, long-acting β2 agonists should only be used as an addition
to steroids because they may increase morbidity if used alone. There is less
agreement about their benefit in children. Long-acting β2 agonists are also used in patients with
chronic obstruc-tive pulmonary disease (COPD). Nonselective drugs are now
rarely used because they are likely to have more adverse effects than the
selective drugs.
shock and related immediate (type I) IgE-mediated reactions affect both the
respiratory and the cardiovascular sys-tems. The syndrome of bronchospasm,
mucous membrane con-gestion, angioedema, and severe hypotension usually
responds rapidly to the parenteral administration of epinephrine, 0.3–0.5 mg (0.3–0.5 mL of a 1:1000 epinephrine
solution). Intramuscular injection may be the preferred route of
administration, since skin blood flow (and hence systemic drug absorption from
subcutane-ous injection) is unpredictable in hypotensive patients. In some
patients with impaired cardiovascular function, intravenous injec-tion of
epinephrine may be required. Glucocorticoids and antihis-tamines (both H1-
and H2-receptor antagonists) may be useful as secondary therapy in
anaphylaxis. The use of these agents precedes the era of controlled clinical
trials, but extensive experimental and clinical experience supports the use of
epinephrine as the agent of choice in anaphylaxis, presumably because
epinephrine activates α, β1, and β2receptors, all of which may be important in
reversingthe pathophysiologic processes underlying anaphylaxis. It is
rec-ommended that patients at risk for insect sting hypersensitivity, severe
food allergies, or other types of anaphylaxis carry epineph-rine in an
autoinjector (EpiPen) for self-administration.
is an effective mydriatic agent frequently used to facilitate examination of
the retina. It is also a useful decongestant for minor allergic hyperemia and
itching of the conjunctival mem-branes. Sympathomimetics administered as
ophthalmic drops are also useful in localizing the lesion in Horner’s syndrome.
(See Box: An Application of Basic Pharmacology to a Clinical Problem.)
responds to a variety of sympathomimetic and sym-pathoplegic drugs. Epinephrine
and its prodrug dipivefrin are now rarely used, but β-blocking agents are among the most important
thera-pies. Apraclonidine and brimonidine are α2-selective agonists
that also lower intraocular pressure and are approved for use in glau-coma. The
mechanism of action of these drugs in treating glaucoma is still uncertain;
direct neuroprotective effects may be involved in addition to the benefits of
lowering intraocular pressure.
noted above, β2-selective agents relax the pregnant uterus. Ritodrine, terbutaline, and similar
drugs have been used to sup-press premature labor. The goal is to defer labor
long enough to ensure adequate maturation of the fetus. These drugs may delay
labor for several days. This may afford time to administer corticos-teroid
drugs, which decrease the incidence of neonatal respiratory distress syndrome.
However, meta-analysis of older trials and a randomized study suggest that β-agonist therapy may
have no significant benefit on perinatal infant mortality and may increase
maternal morbidity.
sympathomimetic therapy is occasionally useful in the treatment of stress
incontinence. Ephedrine or pseudoephedrine may be tried.
syndrome is a condition—usually unilateral—that results from interruption of
the sympathetic nerves to the face. The effects include vasodilation, ptosis,
miosis, and loss of sweat-ing on the affected side. The syndrome can be caused
by either a preganglionic or a postganglionic lesion, such as a tumor.
Knowledge of the location of the lesion (preganglionic or post-ganglionic)
helps determine the optimal therapy.
A localized
lesion in a nerve causes degeneration of the distal portion of that fiber and
loss of transmitter contents from the degenerated nerve ending—without
affecting neurons inner-vated by the fiber. Therefore, a preganglionic lesion
leaves the postganglionic adrenergic neuron intact, whereas a postgangli-onic
lesion results in degeneration of the adrenergic nerve end-ings and loss of
stored catecholamines from them. Becauseindirectly acting sympathomimetics
require normal stores of catecholamines, such drugs can be used to test for the
presence of normal adrenergic nerve endings. The iris, because it is easily
visible and responsive to topical sympathomimetics, is a conve-nient assay
tissue in the patient.
If the
lesion of Horner’s syndrome is postganglionic, indirectly acting sympathomimetics
(eg, cocaine, hydroxyamphetamine) will not dilate the abnormally constricted
pupil because cate-cholamines have been lost from the nerve endings in the
iris. In contrast, the pupil dilates in response to phenylephrine, which acts
directly on the α receptors on the smooth muscle of the iris. A patient with a
preganglionic lesion, on the other hand, shows a normal response to both drugs,
since the postganglionic fibers and their catecholamine stores remain intact in
this situation.
amphetamines have a mood-elevating (euphoriant) effect; this effect is the
basis for the widespread abuse of this drug group . The amphetamines also have
an alerting, sleep-defer-ring action that is manifested by improved attention
to repetitive tasks and by acceleration and desynchronization of the
electroen-cephalogram. A therapeutic application of this effect is in the
treat-ment of narcolepsy. Modafinil,
a new amphetamine substitute, is approved for use in narcolepsy and is claimed
to have fewer disad-vantages (excessive mood changes, insomnia, and abuse
potential) than amphetamine in this condition. The appetite-suppressing effect
of these agents is easily demonstrated in experimental ani-mals. In obese
humans, an encouraging initial response may be observed, but there is no
evidence that long-term improvement in weight control can be achieved with
amphetamines alone, espe-cially when administered for a relatively short
course. A final appli-cation of the central nervous system-active
sympathomimetics is in the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), a
behavioral syndrome consisting of short attention span, hyperkinetic physical
behavior, and learning problems. Some patients with this syn-drome respond well
to low doses of methylphenidate and
related agents. Extended-release formulations of methylphenidate may simplify
dosing regimens and increase adherence to therapy, espe-cially in school-age
children. Slow or continuous-release preparations of the α2agonists clonidine and
guanfacine are also effective in children with ADHD. Clinical trials suggest
that modafinil may also be useful in ADHD, but because the safety profile in
children has not been defined, it has not gained approval by the FDA for this
the primary use of the α2 agonist clonidine
is in the treatment of hypertension , the drug has been found to have efficacy
in the treatment of diarrhea in diabetics with autonomic neuropathy, perhaps
because of its ability to enhance salt and water absorption from the intestine.
In addition, clonidine has efficacy in diminishing craving for narcotics and
alcohol during withdrawal and may facilitate cessation of cigarette smoking.
Clonidine has also been used to diminish menopausal hot flushes and is being
used experimentally to reduce hemody-namic instability during general
anesthesia. Dexmedetomidine is anα2 agonist used for
sedation under intensive care circumstances and during anesthesia . It blunts
the sympathetic response to surgery, which may be beneficial in some
situations. It lowers opioid requirements for pain control and does not depress
ventilation. Clonidine is also sometimes used as a premedication before
anesthesia. Tizanidine is anα2 agonist that is used
as a muscle relaxant .
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