In general terms, surveying is to inspect, view, scrutinize or examine that phenomenon that needs to be surveyed. This is done in order to determine the condition of the object surveyed or to assess the situation and learn about the 'value' of that which is surveyed. This could be a piece of land, a stretch of road or even a legal parcel of land.
In our context here, survey is a science and art of determining the relative positions of points (locations) above, on or beneath the earth surface. The basic concerns regarding a survey are spaces and locations within them. Survey essentially take note of specific point locations for later reference.
There are several uses of surveying, notably those given below:
1. Locating or mapping resources
2. Engineering design
3. Layout construction or engineering projects
4. Verify performance
5. Engineering design
6. Layout construction or engineering projects
7. Verify performance
11. Acquiring reliable data
12. Providing control
13. Usually for location
There are several surveying methods and procedures. It is inappropriate to write about all specific types of surveying, for they are several and their procedures are complex. Hence, only a list of specific types of surveying is given below.
i. Property (cadastral) surveying
ii. Control surveying
iii. Mapping surveying (planimetric or topographic)
iii. Photogrammetric surveying
iv. Construction (engineering) surveying
v. Route surveying
vi. Hydrographic surveying
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