Selection Process
a suitable candidate can be the biggest challenge for any organisation. The
success of an organization largely depends on its staff. Selection of the right
candidate builds the foundation of any organization's success and helps in
reducing turnovers.
1 Initial Screening
This is
generally the starting
point of any
employee selection process.
Initial Screening eliminates unqualified applicants and helps save time.
Applications received from various sources are scrutinized and irrelevant ones
are discarded.
2 Preliminary Interview
It is
used to eliminate those candidates who do not meet the minimum eligibility
criteria laid down by the organization. The skills, academic and family
background, competencies and interests of the candidate are examined during
preliminary interview. Preliminary interviews are less formalized and planned
than the final interviews. The candidates are given a brief up about the
company and the job profile; and it is also examined how much the candidate
knows about the company. Preliminary interviews are also called screening
.3 Filling Application Form
candidate who passes the preliminary interview and is found to be eligible for
the job is asked to fill in a formal application form. Such a form is designed
in a way that it records the personal as well professional details of the
candidates such as age, qualifications, reason for leaving previous job,
experience, etc.
4 Personal Interview
employers believe that the personal interview is very important. It helps them
in obtaining more information about the prospective employee. It also helps
them in interacting with the candidate and judging his communication abilities,
his ease of handling pressure etc. In some Companies, the selection process
comprises only of the Interview.
5 References check
application forms include a section that requires prospective candidates to put
down names of a few references. References can be classified into - former
employer, former customers, business references, reputable persons. Such
references are contacted to get a feedback on the person in question including
his behaviour, skills, conduct etc.
6 Background Verification
background check is a review of a person's commercial, criminal and
(occasionally) financial records. Employers often perform background checks on
employers or candidates for employment to confirm information given in a job
application, verify a person's identity, or ensure that the individual does not
have a history of criminal activity, etc., that could be an issue upon
7 Final Interview
interview is a process in which a potential employee is evaluated by an
employer for prospective employment in their organization. During this process,
the employer hopes to determine whether or not the applicant is suitable for
the job. Different types of tests are conducted to evaluate the capabilities of
an applicant, his behaviour, special qualities etc. Separate tests are
conducted for various types of jobs.
8 Physical Examination
If all
goes well, then at this stage, a physical examination is conducted to make sure
that the candidate has sound health and does not suffer from any serious
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