Physical and Genetic Maps of Chromosomes
A genetic map contains the order and approximate
recombinational distance between genetic markers whereas a physical map
contains the order and physical locations of physical features of a chromosome.
Most often the features used in a physical map are short segments of known
sequence. Once a physical map exists, genetic markers can be placed on
it. Then the mapping and cloning of the genes
responsible for genetic diseases is greatly simplified. For example, the
nearest physical marker can be chosen as a starting point and with chromosome
walking as described in the previous you can clone the gene.
Two major objectives of genetic engineering are
acquiring the ability to detect genetic diseases and learning their biochemical
basis. Both of these objectives are greatly aided by cloning of the mutant
gene. Once the clone is available, direct screening for the mutant DNA is
possible and the study of the wild type and mutant gene product becomes easier.
Cloning the DNA involved with most genetic diseases is difficult, how-ever.
Frequently all that is known is an approximate map location of the defect. The
usual helpful tools such as an altered enzyme, protein, or nucleic acid are
missing. Here we will see how this difficulty can be circumvented.
Suppose there existed a highly detailed genetic map
of the human genome. Then any new marker or genetic defect could be located by
measuring its recombinational distance from the known and mapped markers. Of
course, this step might require collecting data from several generations of
genetic carriers. Once the map location was obtained, we could use this
information in genetic counseling. Furthermore, with the integration of a
physical map and a genetic map, we would also know the physical location of the
genetic marker. Therefore, we could begin from the nearest physical marker and
perform a chromosomal walk to clone the gene responsible for the defect.
Typically we think of the genes that code for blood
type, hair color, or those genes encoding known enzymes or proteins as
constituting the genetic map. While these genes can be useful, too few of them
are known to permit precise mapping. Furthermore, identifying many of these
markers requires the intact individual. Often this is inconvenient. In-stead,
we need a new kind of genetic marker, one that exists in high numbers and which
is easy to score in the DNA obtained from a small number of cells.
What constitutes a suitable genetic marker? A
genetic marker must be easily detected in a small sample of cells or DNA and it
must exist in the population in two or more states. If the population were
homozy-gous, then there would be no useful markers since both parents and all
offspring would be genetically identical. No mapping genetic could be done. The
existence of markers means that some individuals possess one allele or sequence
at a position, and other individuals possess a different allele or sequence. If
there are hundreds or thousands of markers at which different individuals in
the population are likely to be different, then it is feasible to try to map a
genetic defect with respect to these known markers.
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