Kawasaki disease
Kawasaki disease is the commonest
cause of acquired heart disease in children in the UK. It affects 3.4/100,000
children under 5yrs (boys > girls) and in the UK mortality is 3.7%. It is a
systemic vasculitic disease with coro-nary arteritis leading to coronary artery
aneurysms as the most important complication (20–30%). Other complications
include coronary thrombo-sis, myocardial infarction, and dysrrhythmias.
The diagnosis can be made in
children with fever (>38.5*C)
present for at least 5 days, without other explanation, in the presence of 4 of
the 5 following criteria. Criteria may not be present at the same time (history
is important) and misery is a very common feature.
Bilateral congestion of the ocular
conjunctivae (94%): non-purulent.
Changes of the lips and oral
cavity with at least one of the following: dryness, erythema, fissuring of lips (70%); strawberry
tongue (71%); diffuse erythema of oral and pharyngeal mucosa without discrete
lesions (70%).
Changes of the extremities with at least one of the
following: erythema of palms and
soles (80%); indurative oedema (67%); periungual desquamation of fingers and
toes (29%).
exanthem (92%).
cervical lymphadenopathy >1.5cm (42%).
The percentage values indicate the
proportion of patients manifest-ing this clinical sign within the first 10 days
after onset of fever.
The differential diagnosis for
Kawasaki disease includes the following:
and staphylococcal toxin-mediated diseases
and other viral infections (enterovirus, measles)
reactions or Stevens–Johnson syndrome
Yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection
immune complex disease (e.g. post-meningococcaemia)
In addition to the diagnostic
criteria of Kawasaki disease, the other fea-tures of the condition include the
Renal: urethritis with sterile pyuria.
arthralgia and arthritis (35% of
CNS: aseptic meningitis with mild CSF
pleocytosis and normal CSF glucose
and protein; sensorineural hearing loss (transient high frequency loss or
permanent loss).
GI: diarrhoea and vomiting; hydrops of
the gall bladder with or without obstructive
Cardiac: congestive heart failure,
myocarditis, pericardial effusion, arrhythmias,
mitral insufficiency, acute myocardial infarction (up to 73%) within 1yr of
aneurysms: incidence
of coronary artery aneurysms varies (15–25%
in untreated patients) and resolution varies with age at onset and size and
shape of aneurysm.
Haematology: leucocytosis with left shift
common in acute phase; thrombocytosis
peaks in the 3rd to 4th week; normocytic, normochromic anaemia present early
and persists until inflammatory process begins to subside; reticulocyte count
Coagulation: increased coagulability, platelet
turnover, and depleted fibrinolysis.
Urine: mononuclear cells with cytoplasmic
inclusions are abundant in the urine
early in the disease. These cells are not detected by dipstick methods for
‘WBC’, which only detect polymorphs.
Acute phase reactants: elevated ESR persists beyond the
acute febrile period and gradually
returns to normal over 1–2mths. CRP may also be elevated.
Biochemistry: elevated liver transaminases;
Immunology: marked activation of circulating
monocyte/macrophages; B cell activation
elevated immunoglobulin production; T cell lymphopenia.
Cardiology: ECG usually normal, but strain,
ischaemia, and/or infarct can be
Echocardiography: aneurysms may first be seen from
7–21 days post-onset of fever.
High dose IV immunoglobulin is the treatment of choice. 2g/kg
over 12hr as a single infusion.
Consider repeat dose after 48hr if no deferevescence.
Aspirin: 30—50mg/kg/day (divided qds)
reducing to 3–5mg/kg as fever resolves.
role of steroids and novel biological therapies is not clear.
Follow-up is very important for
cardiac review.
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