Exanthem 1: measles
Measles occurs typically in
preschool and young children with the peak incidence in late winter and spring.
Prodrome: the p infection occurs in the
respiratory epithelium of the nasopharynx,
and produces fever, coryza, cough, and non-purulent conjunctivitis.
Occasionally, a characteristic sign in the mouth is seen opposite the low
premolars—‘Koplik spots’ (which look like grains of sugar on the mucosa). After
2–3 days there is a viraemia with infection of the reticuloendothelial system.
Exanthematous phase: a second viraemia occurs 5–7 days
after the initial infection with rash
developing some 14 days after initial infection. The maculopapular rash starts
on the face and lasts 6–8 days.
Infectivity: 4 days before to 4 days after the
onset of rash.
Other features: generalized lymphadenopathy,
anorexia, diarrhoea, and fever (may
persist 7–10 days). Incubation 7–18 days (av. 10–2 days).
Clinical: Koplik spots are pathognomonic,
but usually seen.
Blood film: leucopenia and lymphopenia.
LFTs: raised transaminases.
Oral fluid test: measles RNA on oral fluid specimen
confirms the diagnosis. Serum
serology may also be used.
Acute treatment: generally supportive, but could
include antibiotics for secondary
bacterial infection (e.g. pneumonia, otitis media, tracheitis). Individuals are
highly contagious during the viraemia.
Prevention: MMR vaccine at 12–18mths and
preschool booster to all children.
Vitamin A: in developing countries vitamin A
deficiency and malnutrition lead to a
protracted course of illness with severe complications. The rash is dark red
and is followed by desquamation and depigmentation. Consider supplements in
children older than 6mths.
Complications commonly occur in
young children with almost 20% of cases having at least one additional problem.
Acute otitis media (10%).
Lower respiratory tract infection
(LRTI; 5%): bacterial
pneumonia, interstitial pneumonia,
bronchiolitis, laryngotracheobronchitis.
Encephalitis (1 in 5000): occurs 78 days after the onset of illness and starts with headache, lethargy, irritability, followed by
seizures and coma. Mortality is high and there are neurological sequelae in
Subacute sclerosing
panencephalitis (SSPE,
1/10 000). A rare and fatal neurological
disease with progressive intellectual deterioration, ataxia, and seizures about
7yrs after measles infection.
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