Liver biopsy
Liver biopsy is used to diagnose the cause of liver disease. In
jaundiced patients, imaging such as an ultrasound (US) scan and endoscopic
retrograde cholangiography should initially be used to exclude an obstructing
lesion. It is also used for diagnosis of a spaceoccupying lesion such as a
tumour or abscess. Biopsy may be preceded by a CT scan to determine if
metastatic disease is present and may be guided by CT or ultrasound.
Prior to the biopsy coagulation studies should be checked and a sample
sent to transfusion for group and save serum. Hepatitis B and C surface antigen
status should be known. Patients with abnormal clotting should have their liver
biopsy postponed until this is corrected. If uncorrectable, biopsy may be
undertaken through the hepatic veins, using a transjugular approach.
A biopsy needle is passed percutaneously, and the biopsy taken whilst
the patient holds their breath in expiration. Percutaneous aspiration of an
abscess is occasionally performed. Complications include haemorrhage, bile
leakage and pneumothorax. After the procedure the patient should rest on their
right side for 2 hours in bed and should gently mobilise after bed rest for a
further 4 hours.
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