Involution of the Uterus After
During the first 4 to 5 weeks after parturition, the uterus
involutes. Its weight becomes less than half its immedi-ate postpartum weight
within 1 week, and in 4 weeks, if the mother lactates, the uterus may become as
small as it was before pregnancy. This effect of lactation results from the
suppression of pituitary gonadotropin and ovarian hormone secretion during the
first few months of lactation, as discussed later. During early involution of
the uterus, the placental site on the endometrial surface autolyzes, causing a
vaginal discharge known as “lochia,” which is first bloody and then serous in
nature, continuing for a total of about 10 days. After this time, the
endometrial surface becomes re-epithelialized and ready for normal, nongravid
sex life again.
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