Integrated Environmental Biotechnology
The essence of environmental biotechnology as an applied science,
as we have set out to demonstrate in the preceding, is the harnessing of
pre-existing organisms and natural cycles to bring about a desired goal.
Some-times this is achieved by relatively unsophisticated means. At others it
requires rather more in the way of engineering, adaptation or modification, in
one form or another, to fit nature’s original to the intended purpose. Thus,
though the exact form of any given iteration may differ, the underlying
paradigm remains the same. Applying what is effectively a naturalistic model
leads to some inevitable con-clusions with far-reaching implications for the
future of this particular discipline.
The fundamental necessity of
mutual interactions in nature is readily accepted and understood. Hence, the
natural cycles obligatorily dovetail together at both the gross and the
microscopic levels, with interplay existing between the organism and its
environment as well as between the various central metabolic pathways. Since
such integration exists already between bioprocesses, and these are the very
stuff upon which environmental biotechnology is based, the potential for integrated
applications is clear.
At its simplest, this
involves the sequential use of individual technologies to provide a solution in
a linked chain of successive steps, often termed a ‘treat-ment train’. The
other extreme is the wider amalgamation of larger fundamental problems and
their resolutions into a single cohesive whole. This book began by looking at
the key intervention areas for environmental biotechnology and defined the
three legs of that particular tripod as pollution, waste and manufac-turing.
This theme has been further developed, to examine how old pollution can be
cleaned up and how the rational treatment of solid wastes and effluent can
contribute to the reduction of new pollution. So-called ‘clean’ technologies
represent the logical end-point of this discussion, when the production processes themselves assist in the reduction
of waste and the minimisation of pollution, in the ultimate integrated system.
All industrialised countries face the same
three problems in attempting to marry economic growth with environmental
responsibility, namely the need to marshal material resources, deal rationally
with their waste and the requirement for adequate and affordable energy. This
dichotomy of desire between compromising neithercommercial success nor
environmental stewardship is particularly important for the long-term future of
the economy. Over the years, a certain brand of extremist environmentalist
thought has sought to demonise industry and commerce, decrying them and casting
them in the role of enemy. This is scarcely helpful, for two reasons. Firstly,
if any particular industry is actively damaging the environment, it is hardly
likely to react constructively to criticism from its avowed detractors.
Secondly, and perhaps much more importantly, industry in its widest sense is
what has defined humanity from the outset. It accounts for what our Neolithic
ancestors did, trading skins and flint axes across Europe; it is absurd to
suggest that our collective future will be different. The way ahead, then, is
to accept this and chart a course which, if it cannot do the most good in
absolute terms, must settle for doing the least harm. In much the same way as
some have vilified industry, there are those who have held the idea of a
self-sustaining civilisation up to ridicule, arguing that ultimately this would
have us living in mud huts, devoid of all the benefits of science and
technology. The one view is as facile as the other.
The issue of sustainability
has gained ever greater significance over recent years, and this seems set to
continue in the future. In 1987, under the aegis of the World Commission on
Environment and Development, the Bruntland Commission coined a definition of
sustainable development. Their concept of an approach which ‘meets the needs of
the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet
their own needs’ has received widespread international acceptance. The main
aims have been further developed into social progress to address the
requirements of all, effective environmental stewardship, the maintenance of
high and stable economic growth and levels of employment, and the utilisation
of natural resources in a prudent fashion (DETR 1999). These goals also tend to
offer strong commercial benefits and as a result, businesses have not been slow
to see their potential. In a survey undertaken by the manage-ment consultancy,
Arthur D. Little, of some 500 environmental, health and safety and other
business executives in North America and Europe, 95% believed sus-tainable development
was ‘important’. Around 80% said it had significant real business value, while
70% of the Europeans and more than 55% in the USA reported an active
sustainable development approach to strategy and operations within their
organisations, for reasons of perceived business advantage. In this context,
increased efficiency, competitive streamlining, better public relations,
work-force awareness and rising customer expectations were all cited, while the
impact of technological innovation was universally recognised.
In many respects, the move
towards integration is inevitable. We cannot un-screw one leg of our tripod
without unbalancing the whole structure. Sustainable development inherently
demands a cogent view of resource management, and this implicitly covers
materials, waste and energy. It becomes impossible to consider them in
isolation. If waste becomes viewed as raw-material-in-waiting, one bridge is
clear. Between waste and energy, however, the current link is incineration and,
although this route will always be relevant for some unwanted materials,
thesituation is less than ideal. For one thing, burning denies the bridge
discussed above, by allowing little or no opportunity for reclamation. If we
extend this to larger environmental issues, like reducing CO2 production
and the usage of fossil fuels, biomass, and hence environmental biotechnology,
comes to occupy a pivotal position in the sustainability debate.
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