It is not only bacteria which may live within plants, but some
types of specialised fungi may also occupy such a niche. Their presence is
fairly widespread and may be found in various grasses and a wide range of
commercial crop plants including tomatoes, apples, beans, wheat and corn. One
type of plant – fungus association, actinorrhizae, has already been mentioned
in the section describing symbiotic nitrogen fixation. The fungal hyphae
penetrate the plant cells where a variety of structures may develop such as
swellings or the development of coils or small branches. Vesicles and
arbuscules which are branched structures reminiscent of a tree, are common
features of this invasion. Despite how this description may appear, such
association of plant with fungus may be very beneficial to the plant. In
exchange for energy derived from the plant through photosynthesis, the fungus
may enhance the supply of available nutrients to the plant under conditions of
relatively high humidity and conversely, in dry conditions, the fungus may help
the plant in the uptake of water. In addition, some fungi have been found to
affordprotection to the plant in cases where the fungi produce alkaloids
rendering the plant less susceptible to attack by chewing insects.
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