1. What is Management?
is the process of planning, Organizing, Directing, Staffing and controlling the
various activities of the people to achieve the objectives of an organization.
2. Define Management.
is the process of designing and maintaining of an environment in which
individuals working together in groups efficiently accomplish selected aims”.
3. Write some
characteristics of Management?
is a continuous process. Manager use the resources of organization both
physical as well as human achieve the goal. Management aims act achieving the
organization goals by ensuring effective use of resources.
4. Write any two
points favor for management as a science
Management principle should be
verified. Reliable basis for predicting future.
5. What is time study?
The movement which take minimum time
is the best one.
6. What is motion
suggested that the eliminating wasteful movements and performing only necessary
7. What is authority?
It is the power given to a person to
get work from his subordinates.
8. What is
It is the amount of work from a man
by his superior.
9. Comment: Management
is both –A science and an art
is a science because it contains general principles. It is also an art because
it requires certain personal skills achieve desired result.
What is centralization?
The organization is centralized when
the power is concentrated with one person.
What is decentralization?
If the power is fully distributed to
the subordinates of the organization.
What is Esprit-de-corps?
This means union is strength. In organization employees
should be harmony and unity.
What are the various levels of management?
1)Top level management.
2)Middle level management.
level management.
14. Write some important functions of top level management?
1)To formulate goals and policies of the company.
2)To formulate budgets.
3)To appoint top executives.
Write the functions of management?
16. Define sole proprietorship?
The sole
proprietorship is that form of business organization which owned and controlled
by a single individual.
17. What is partnership?
partnership is an association of two or more persons to carry on business and
to share its profit and losses in an agreed ratio.
18. What is joint stock company?
stock company is association of many persons who contribute money worth to
common stock and explaining source trade and also share the profit and losses.
19. What is private limited company?
A private
limited company is a company which has a minimum paid up capital dory be
20. White is a co-operative society?
It is a
voluntary association of persons for mutual benefit and it aims are
accomplished through self heap and collective effort.
21. What is a social responsibility?
Society is
the part of the management to interact actions wither to protect social
interest a society.
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