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Chapter: Mechanical : Computer Integrated Manufacturing

Flexible manufacturing system - FMS

A flexible manufacturing system consists of a group of processing stations, interconnected by means of a automated material handling and storage systems, and controlled by an integrated computer system.

Flexible manufacturing system - FMS


A flexible manufacturing system consists of a group of processing stations, interconnected by means of a automated material handling and storage systems, and controlled by an integrated computer system.


FMS Flexibility:


The three capabilities that a manufacturing system must process in order to the flexible


1.   The ability to identify and distinguish among the different incoming part or product styles processed by the system.


2. Quick changeover of operating instructions.


3. Quick changeover of physical setup. Flexibility is an attribute that applies to both manual and automated systems. In manual systems the human workers are often the enables of the systems flexibility.


Types of flexibility;


The flexibility allows a mixed model manufacturing system to cope with level of variation in part or product style without interruptions in production for changeover between models. It is generally a desirable feature of a manufacturing system.



The feature of flexibility is broadly classified in to following ways

1. Machine flexibility

2. Part flexibility

3. Route flexibility

4. Volume flexibility

5. Man flexibility.


FMS technology is approaches to simultaneously manufacture different parts in the shortest time possible, with the highest quality and at the lowest costs possible. To do this a maximum of management of management information must be available for the FMS host to work with. When this is achieved there are several types of flexibility available; to an FMS user.


1. FMS user flexibility

2. FMS supplier flexibility.


1.     FMS user flexibility


The first area is that in which the FMS user is interested. This most important area.


The available flexibilities are provided for the FMS user to be able to satisfy the demands of their customers.


2.  FMS supplier flexibility.


The second type of flexibility concerns the method of applying FMSs.this is of extreme interest to the FMS host supplier. Every FMS application’s different, and no. of

FMS supplier can start from scratch to supply a FMS host solution every time for each new

FMS user. A supplier’s solution need to be flexible enough to integrate the different machine types in to different FMS configurations and layouts for different product mixes.


1. Components of FMS systems;


·        Workstations

·        Material handling and storage

·        Computer control system

·        Human resources


1.  Workstations


The first element in the FMS is work stations; it may,


·        Load/unload stations

·        Machining stations

·        Other processing stations

·        Assembly



2.     Material handling and storage systems


For the belowmentioned functions are the material handling device


·        Random, independent movement of workparts between stations.

·        Handle a variety of workpart configurations.


·        Temporary storage.

·        Convenient access for loading and unloading workpartcontrol.s.

·        Compatible with computer

The material handling is classified in ot two types they are,


§  Primary material handling


§  Secondary material handling


The material handling function in a FMS is often shared between two systems:


1.     Primary handling system - establishes the basic layout of the FMS and is responsible for moving work parts between stations in the system.


2.     Secondary handling system - consists of transfer devices, automatic pallet changers, and similar mechanisms located at the workstations in the FMS.



3.     Computer control system


§  Workstation control


§  Distribution of control instructions to workstations


§  Production control


§  Traffic control


§  Shuttle control


§  Work piece monitoring

§  Tool control


§  Performance monitoring and reporting


§  Diagnostics


4.     Human resources


For loading and unloading the materials in the machines and for the maintenance works the human resource are required in the flexible manufacturing system.



2.  Benefits of FMS


The various benefits are listed below,


·        Higher machine utilization

·        Reduced work in process

·        Lower manufacturing lead time

·        Greater flexibility in production scheduling.



3.  Types of FMS;


·        Flexible manufacturing module (FMM)

·        Flexible manufacturing cell (FMC)

·        Flexible manufacturing group (FMG)

Flexible fabrication-machining-assembly system (FFMAS)


FMS layout


§  In-line layout


§  Loop layout


§  Ladder layout


§  Open field layout


§  Robot centered layout



§  Production Planning and Control - PPC


§  Master Production Planning - MPP


§  Manufacturing Requirements Planning - MRP


§  Manufacturing Resource Planning - MRPII


§  Factory Data Collection - FDC


§  Flexible manufacturing module - (FMM)


§  Flexible manufacturing cell - (FMC)


§  Flexible manufacturing group - (FMG)


§  Flexible fabrication-machining FFM


§  Automated Guided Vehicle AGV.


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