This section provides an overview of the embedded
system design process aimed at two objectives. First, it will give us an
introduction to the various steps in embedded system design before we delve
into them in more detail. Second, it will allow us to consider the design methodology
itself. A design methodology is important for three reasons.
First, it allows us to keep a scorecard on a design
to ensure that we have done everything we need to do, such as optimizing performance
or performing functional tests.
Second, it allows us to develop computer-aided
design tools. Developing a single program that takes in a concept for an
embedded system and emits a completed design would be a daunting task, but by
first breaking the process into manageable steps, we can work on automating (or
at least semi automating) the steps one at a time.
Third, a design methodology makes it much easier
for members of a design team to communicate. By defining the overall process,
team members can more easily understand what they are supposed to do, what they
should receive from other team members at certain times, and what they are to
hand off when they complete their assigned steps. Since most embedded systems
are designed by teams, coordination is perhaps the most important role of a
well-defined design methodology.
Figure 1.7 summarizes the major steps in the
embedded system design process. In this top– down view, we start with the
system requirements. In the next step, specification, we create
a more detailed description of what we want.
But the specification states only how the system
behaves, not how it is built. The details of the system’s internals begin to
take shape when we develop the architecture, which gives the system structure
in terms of large components.
Once we know the components we need, we can design
those components, including both software modules and any specialized hardware
we need. Based on those components, we can finally build a complete system.
In this section we will consider design from the top–down—we
will begin with the most abstract description of the system and conclude with
concrete details. The alternative is a bottom–up
view in which we start with components to build a system.
design steps are shown in the figure as dashed-line arrows. We need bottom–up
design because we do not have perfect insight into how later stages of the
design process will turn out. Decisions at one stage of design are based upon
estimates of what will happen later: How fast can we make a particular function
run? How much memory will we need? How much system bus capacity do we need? If
our estimates are inadequate, we may have to backtrack and amend our original
decisions to take the new facts into account. In general, the less experience
we have with the design of similar systems, the more we will have to rely on
bottom-up design information to help us refine the system.
But the
steps in the design process are only one axis along which we can view embedded
system design. We also need to consider the major goals of the design:
(both overall speed and deadlines); and
We must
also consider the tasks we need to perform at every step in the design process.
At each step in the design, we add detail:
We must analyze the design at each step to
determine how we can meet the specifications.
We must
then refine the design to add detail.
We must
verify the design to ensure that it still meets all system goals, such as cost,
speed, and so on.
Clearly, before we design a system, we must know
what we are designing. The initial stages of the design process capture this
information for use in creating the architecture and components.
We generally proceed in two phases: First, we
gather an informal description from the customers known as requirements, and we
refine the requirements into a specification that contains enough information
to begin designing the system architecture.
Separating out requirements analysis and
specification is often necessary because of the large gap between what the
customers can describe about the system they want and what the architects need
to design the system.
Consumers of embedded systems are usually not
themselves embedded system designers or even product designers. Their
understanding of the system is based on how they envision users’ interactions
with the system. They may have unrealistic expectations as to what can be done
within their budgets; and they may also express their desires in a language
very different from system architects’ jargon.
Capturing a consistent set of requirements from the
customer and then massaging those requirements into a more formal specification
is a structured way to manage the process of translating from the consumer’s
language to the designer’s.
Requirements may be functional or nonfunctional.Wemust
of course capture the basic functions of the embedded system,but functional
description is often not sufficient.Typical nonfunctional requirements include:
The speed
of the system is often a major consideration both for the usability of the system and for its ultimate cost. As we
have noted, performance may be a combination of soft performance metrics such
as approximate time to perform a user-level function and hard deadlines by
which a particular operation must be completed.
Cost: The target cost or purchase price
for the system is almost always a consideration. Cost typically has two major components: manufacturing
cost includes the cost of components and assembly; nonrecurring engineering (NRE) costs include the personnel and
other costs of designing the system.
size and weight: The physical aspects of the final system can vary
greatly depending upon the
application. An industrial control system for an assembly line may be designed
to fit into a standard-size rack with no strict limitations on weight. A
handheld device typically has tight requirements on both size and weight that
can ripple through the entire system design.
consumption: Power, of course, is important in battery-powered
systems and is often important in
other applications as well. Power can be specified in the requirements stage in
terms of battery life—the customer is unlikely to be able to describe the
allowable wattage.
Validating a set of requirements is ultimately a
psychological task since it requires understanding both what people want and
how they communicate those needs. One goodway to refine at least the user
interface portion of a system’s requirements is to build a mock-up.
The mock-up may use canned data to simulate
functionality in a restricted demonstration, and it may be executed on a PC or
a workstation. But it should give the customer a good idea of how the system
will be used and how the user can react to it. Physical, nonfunctional models
of devices can also give customers a better idea of characteristics such as
size and weight.
size and weight
Fig 1.8 Sample requirements form.
analysis for big systems can be complex and time consuming. However, capturing
a relatively small amount of information in a clear, simple format is a good
start toward understanding system requirements.
introduce the discipline of requirements analysis as part of system design, we
will use a simple requirements methodology.
1.8 shows a sample requirements form that can be filled out at the start of the
project. We can use the form as a checklist in considering the basic
characteristics of the system.
consider the entries in the form:
Name: This is simple but helpful.
Giving a name to the project not only simplifies talking about it to other people but can also crystallize
the purpose of the machine.
Purpose: This
should be a brief one- or two-line description of what the system is supposed
to do. If you can’t describe the
essence of your system in one or two lines, chances are that you don’t
understand it well enough.
and outputs: These two entries are more complex than they seem.
The inputs and outputs to the system
encompass a wealth of detail:
— Types of data: Analog electronic signals?
Digital data? Mechanical inputs?
— Data characteristics: Periodically
arriving data, such as digital audio samples? Occasional user inputs? How many
bits per data element?
— Types of I/O devices: Buttons?
Analog/digital converters? Video displays?
This is a
more detailed description of what the system does. A good way to approach this is to work from the inputs to the
outputs: When the system receives an input, what does it do? How do user
interface inputs affect these functions? How do different functions interact?
embedded computing systems spend at least some time controlling physical devices or processing data coming from
the physical world. In most of these cases, the computations must be performed
within a certain time frame. It is essential that the performance requirements be
identified early since they must be carefully measured during implementation to
ensure that the system works properly.
cost: This includes primarily the cost of the hardware components. Even if you
don’t know exactly how much you can
afford to spend on system components, you should have some idea of the eventual
cost range. Cost has a substantial influence on architecture: A machine that is
meant to sell at $10 most likely has a very different internal structure than a
$100 system.
Power: Similarly, you may have only a
rough idea of how much power the system can consume, but a little information can go a long way. Typically, the most
important decision is whether the machine will be battery powered or plugged
into the wall. Battery-powered machines must be much more careful about how
they spend energy.
Physical size and weight: You
should give some indication of the physical size of the system to help guide certain architectural decisions.
A desktop machine has much more flexibility in the components used than, for
example, a lapel mounted voice recorder.
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