Chapter: Medicine and surgery: Endocrine system

Dopamine and prolactin axis

Dopamine from the hypothalamus acts to inhibit prolactin secretion from the pituitary.

Dopamine and prolactin axis

Dopamine from the hypothalamus acts to inhibit prolactin secretion from the pituitary (see Fig. 11.3).


·        If the hypothalamic pituitary connection is disrupted, e.g. by stalk section or hypothalamic lesions then pituitary prolactin (PRL) secretion is uncontrolled.


·        PRL release is stimulated by drugs that block dopamine receptors (e.g. metoclopramide) or cause a reduction in hypothalamic dopamine (e.g. methyldopa). Stress, sleep and nipple stimulation increase PRL.


·        Oestrogens during pregnancy increase PRL secretion but also suppress milk production. As oestrogens fall postpartum, milk production accelerates.


·        Administration of dopamine or levodopa inhibits PRL release. Pituitary haemorrhage causing death of the lactotrophs results in failure of lactation (Sheehan’s syndrome).

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