Anaplastic carcinoma
This is a highly malignant tumour of the thyroid.
10–15% of cases of malignant tumours of the thyroid.
There is evidence that these are poorly differentiated adenocarcinomas derived from thyroid epithelium. They often arise in elderly patients with a long history of goitre in whom the gland suddenly enlarges.
These tumours are rapidly growing and invade local structures early, most patients present with a rapidly enlarging neck swelling and complications such as hoarseness, dyspnoea and stridor, dysphagia and Horner’s syndrome (miosis, partial ptosis and anhydrosis).
Diffusely infiltrative mass, often invading neighbouring tissues. Composed of various undifferentiated cells.
Resection is rarely possible, but may be carried out for palliative relief of tracheal compression. Radioactive iodine and radiotherapy are ineffective.
Poor: 1-year survival is ∼30%.
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