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Chapter: Essentials of Psychiatry: Delirium and Dementia

Dementia Due to Head Trauma

Head trauma is the leading cause of brain injury for children and young adults.

Dementia Due to Head Trauma


Head trauma is the leading cause of brain injury for children and young adults. It is estimated that more than 7 million head injuries and 500 000 hospital admissions related to the same cause occur in the USA annually. Traumatic head injuries result in concus-sions, contusions, or open head injuries, and the physical exami-nation often reveals such features as blood behind the tympanic membranes (Battle’s sign), infraorbital ecchymosis and pupillary abnormalities. The psychiatric manifestations of an acute brain injury are generally classified as a delirium or amnestic disorder; however, head trauma-induced delirious states often merge into a chronic dementia.


A single head injury may result in a postconcussional syn-drome with resultant memory impairment, alterations in mood and personality, hyperacusis, headaches, easy fatigability, anxi-ety, belligerent behavior and dizziness. Alcohol abuse, postural hypotension and gait disturbances are often associated with head injuries that result in dementia.


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