Cell Wall
Plant and bacterial cell membranes are
surrounded by a thick cell wall.
The bacterial cell is enclosed within a wall
that differs chemically from the cell wall of plants. The cell wall contains a
rigid framework of polysaccharide chain cross linked with short peptide chains
and its outer surface is coated with lipopolysaccharide. The pili, found in
some bacteria are extensions of the cell wall. In some bacteria the cell wall is
surrouned by an additional structure called a capsule.
The cell wall and capsule confer shape and form
of the bacteriam and also act as a physical barrier to the cell membrane. In
the absence of cell wall and capsule is mechanically fragile and the bacteria
would rupture.
The cell wall is a thick polysaccharide
containing structure immediately surrounding the plasma membrane. In
multicelllar plants, the plasma membrane of neighboring cells are separated by
these walls, and adjacent plant cell have their walls fused together by a layer
called the middle lamella. The cell
wall serves both as a protective and a supportive unit for the plant. The
degree to which the cell wall may be involved in the regulation of the exchange
of materials between the plant cell and its surroundings is difficult to assess
but is most likely restricted to macromolecules of considerable size. As in
animal cells,most of the regulation of exchanges between the cytoplasm and the
extracellular surrounding of plant cells is a function of the plasma membrane
The cell wall protects bateria against swelling
in hypotonic media. It is porous and allows most small molecules to pass. Some
of the pili are hollow and serve to transfer DNA from sexual conjugation.
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