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Chapter: Modern Medical Toxicology: Organic Poisons (Toxins): Venomous Bites and Stings

Banded Krait - Poisons (Toxins)

Banded Krait - Poisons (Toxins)
Scientific Name: Bungarus fasciatus.

Banded Krait

Scientific Name

Bungarus fasciatus.

Geographical Distribution

Eastern parts of India.

Physical Appearance

·       The most distinctive feature of this snake is the presence of glistening, broad bands of yellow, alternating with black (Fig 12.11). These alternating bands encircle the body and are almost equal in width.

·      The banded krait has a marked vertebral ridge that gives it a permanently emaciated look with a distinct blunt tail. Considered a harmless snake, the banded krait rarely bites.

Nature of Venom

·              Predominantly neurotoxic


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Modern Medical Toxicology: Organic Poisons (Toxins): Venomous Bites and Stings : Banded Krait - Poisons (Toxins) |

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