Uses of Remote Sensing
Remote sensing has been and is being used very widely, to obtain
information accurately, with speed and ease, about the vast stretch of land
features and water bodies of the earth. The important fields in which
remotely-sensed data are used are given below for an appreciation of the
technique of remote sensing.
Geology. To identify rock types, earth lineaments
(fault lines) and landslides, remote
sensing is being used.
Meteorological Research. To study
various components of meteorology
such as cloud cover, intensities and variations in weather elements, global
climate change and so on.
Oceanography. To study various elements of oceanography such as surface temperatures, ocean
currents, sea erosion, wave patterns and marine resources.
Water and Land Resources. Remote
sensing is highly useful in identifying
water bodies such as lakes, ponds and rivers, their aerial extent and quality,
snowmelt, runoff, surface flow, irrigation, land suitability, soil type and
moisture capacity of soil.
Land Use, Agriculture and Forestry.
Remote sensing is useful also in the
field of urban and regional land use studies. Urban development, crop
identification and estimation, crop diseases detection, forest cover mapping
and deforestation are other uses of remote sensing.
Hazard Control. To measure the natural and man made hazards like storms, landslides, floods and
pollution and to control such hazards.
Land Survey and Cartography. Aerial
photagraphs are widely used for
updating the existing maps and to measure heights. Both aerial and satellite
data products are used to renew the existing transportation routes and
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