Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)
The Universal
Declaration of Human Rights is a milestone document in the history of human
rights. It was drafted by the representatives with different legal and cultural
back grounds from all regions of the world. The Declaration was proclaimed by
the United Nations General Assembly in Paris on 10th December 1948 (General
Assembly resolution 217A) as a common standard of achievement of all people and
all nations. The first time it sets out the fundamental human rights to be
universally protected and the UDHR has been translated into many languages.
There are 30 articles in
the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and it guarantees freedom of
expression as well as civil, political, social, economic and cultural rights.
These rights apply to all people, irrespective of their race, gender and
nationality, as all people are born free and equal.
This general explanation
of Human Rights by UDHR is not a legally binding document; however it has a
political and moral importance and many of its guarantees have become standard
norms today.
Social ,economic and
cultural rights are integral part of the human rights law that developed due to
the aftermath of World War II.
Social rights are
necessary for full participation in the society. Economic rights guarantee
every person to have conditions under which they are able to meet their needs.
They are a part of a range of legal principles through which economic equality
and freedom are preserved in a State. Cultural rights are human rights that aim
at assuring the enjoyment of culture and its components in conditions of
equality, human dignity and non-discrimination.
Civil and political
rights protect an individual’s freedom from infringement by the government,
social organizations and private individuals. These rights ensure one’s ability
to participate in the civil and political life of the society and state.
The term ‘Civil rights’
refers to the basic rights afforded by laws of the government, to every person
regardless of race, nationality, colour , gender, age, religion etc.,
Political rights
exercised in the formation and administration of a government. They are given
to the citizens by law. These rights give power to the citizens to participate
either directly or indirectly in the administration.
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