Social Science : Civics
IV. Give short
1. What is Human Right?
The UNO defines Human rights as "The right inherent to all
human beings, regardless of race, gender, nationality, ethnicity, language,
religion or any other status. Everyone is entitled to these rights without
2. What are the fundamental
Fundamental rights are required for the all round development of
a human being.
The fundamental
rights are:
• Right to Equality
• Right to Freedom
• Right against Exploitation
• Right to freedom of Conscience and Religion
• Cultural and Educational Rights for minorities
• Right to Constitutional Remedies
3. What are the Child Rights
defined by the UNO?
• Right to life
• Right to family environment
• Right to Education
• Right to benefit from social security
• Right against sexual exploitation
• Right against sale or trafficking
• Right against other forms of exploitation like Child labour.
4. Write a short note on the
Right to Constitutional remedies.
• By this right, a person can adopt Constitutional means and
approach a court if he is denied the Fundamental Rights.
• The court then issues orders which are called 'writs' to the
government to restore the rights to the citizen.
• The Constitutional Remedies put to right anything which may be
wrong in terms of the Constitution
• This right therefore protects and safeguards all other rights.
5. Define POCSO
POCSO Act - Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act
Salient features of
• The Act defines a child as any person below eighteen years of
ago to ensure the healthy, physical, emotional, intellectual and social
development of the child.
• When the abuse is committed by a person in a position of trust
or authority vis-a-vis the child, like a family member, neighbours or any other
• The statement of the child is to be recorded exactly as the
child narrates.
• A child not to be called repeatedly to testify.
6. Why do children need special
• Children are subjected to sale or trafficking for various
reasons - economic exploitation, sexual exploitation, sexual abuse, drug
trafficking and child labour.
• Children need special
• Because children …….. child labour.
7. What are the contributions to
labourers by B.R. Ambedkar?
Women Labourers'
Welfare and Ambedkar:
• Dr. B.R. Ambedkar framed many laws for women workers in India
such as the Mines Maternity Benefit Act.
• Women Labour Welfare Fund.
• Women and Child Labour Protection Act.
• Maternity Benefit for women labour.
• Restoration of Ban on Employment of Women on Underground Work
in Coal Mines.
8. 'All are equal before law'.
But we have enacted a separate law for women - Justify.
• 'All are equal before law'. But work is mostly gender-
• When girls get married early, they lose many privileges like
childhood, happiness, availing education and a healthy life.
• So we have enacted a separate law for women.
9. Write about the Right against
• Right against exploitation is one of our fundamental rights.
• It is against the law to employ children below 14 years of age
in mines, factories and other occupations.
• Neither the contractor nor an employer can force a worker to
do a job against their well.
Differentiate: Fundamental Rights and Human Rights
Human Rights
1. The rights that a human being deserves to survive with
respect and freedom.
2. Human rights include those rights which are basic to a real
life and are absolute, i.e. it cannot be taken away
3. Human Rights are recognized at International level
Fundamental Rights
1. The elemental rights of the citizens of a country which are
listed in the constitution and enforceable under the law is known as
Fundamental Rights
2. Fundamental Rights include only those rights which are basic
to a normal life
3. Fundamental Rights are guaranteed under the constitution of
the country
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