Always consider:
o Autoimmune
o Degenerative
o Drugs
o Doctors
o Hereditary/congenital
o Infective
o Inflammatory
o Idiopathic
o Mechanical
o Metabolic
o Nutritional
o Neoplastic
o Pregnancy
o Psychiatric
o Trauma
o Vascular
Differential diagnosis
What are the risk factors
Problem list
Complications of problems and
risk factors
Prognosis: how does this impact
on treatment decisions
Treatment + management/monitoring
of side effects
Integration: stand back and think
– am I missing something
Listen (therapeutic relationship)
Lifestyle (diet, exercise, etc)
Environment/social change
Referral: to specialists, other
health providers, support groups
Family involvement
Public Health measures
Health Education is an attempt to
achieve behavioural change
Parent and Adolescent Education:
Aim is to change behaviour. Changing behaviour requires:
o Knowledge: necessary but not sufficient
o Skills: to manage the change
o Motivation: Involves striving towards a goal, not just „trying‟. The goal must be:
§ Important to the person – „I want this‟. Make it attractive. May need
their goals to come before yours.
§ Achievable – „I can do this‟.
Believe in them
§ Not too unpleasant. „I don‟t mind
doing this‟. Make it easy
Good counselling technique:
o Open-ended questions: “tell me about….”
o Active listening: “Hmm, I see…”
o Reflection: reflect facts and
o Summarising: “Let me see if I‟ve got this straight….”
o Don’t ask leading questions: eg “You don‟t do that, do you?”
Take a history using open-ended
questions, reflecting, summarising:
o Help parent or adolescent clarify exactly what it is they want to know
o Knowledge: what do you understand about…? Where did you find that out? How
convinced are you?
o Attitudes/fears: are you worried about anything in particular?
o Practices: What have you actually done so far?
o Barriers: What‟s stopping you from doing this?
o Validate/reinforce knowledge they already have: “That‟s terrific – you already understand a lot….”
o Education to correct incorrect beliefs/address fears
o Encourage them to find their own solutions:
“So, what do you think you could do?”
o Reinforce safe practices and responses
Stages of changes (Prochaska and
Di Clemente 1982): Discussion must be tailored to the stage they‟re at:
o Pre-contemplation
o Contemplation
o Determination
o Action
o Maintenance (and maybe permanent exit)
o Relapse (and maybe return to contemplation)
· Motivation = the probability that a person will enter into, continue and adhere to a specific change strategy. It fluctuates. It is a state not a trait. Measure motivation by what they say not what they do
· Motivational interviewing: goal is to get from the patient their reasons for concern and their arguments for change. Especially helpful in precontemplation/contemplative stages
Confrontation tends to evoke
resistance. Resistance ¯ the
chance of change
Approaches at each stage:
o Pre-contemplation:
§ Lack of knowledge or inertia
§ Rebellion: try to provide choices
§ Resignation: given up – try to instil hope/explore barriers
o Contemplation:
§ Not equivalent to commitment
§ Extra information may not make any difference
§ Work through ambivalence, anticipate barriers, ¯
desirability of present behaviour
o Dealing with ambivalence:
§ “Yes, but…” is normal
§ Helping people resolve ambivalence is key to change
§ Further education may result in conflict or denial
§ Try to get the patient unstuck
§ Poor self-esteem, social context and values may make this difficult
§ Highlight discrepancy between personal goals and behaviour. Best if they
can identify this discrepancy themselves, rather than feeling pressured
Motivational Strategies (NB
importance of empathy – understanding where the patient is at):
o A – give Advice
o B – remove Barriers
o C – provide Choices
o D – decrease Desirability: alter balance of perceived costs, barriers
and rewards
o E – practice Empathy. Accept and
understand without agreeing
o F – provide Feedback
o G – clarify Goals
o H – active Helping
Counselling techniques:
o Open ended questions
o Reflective listening: voice what you think the patient means by what
they are saying
o Affirm: self esteem and support the patient
o Summarise
Brief but repeated interventions
avoid stigmatism, and are more effective than one long session
Direct advice normally provokes
Opening lines:
o “What are some good things about….
What are the less good things…”
o Ask permission before giving information: “I wonder, would you be
interested in knowing more
o about ….”. When you‟ve finished:
“What do you make of all this?”
o “What concerns do you have about …”
· Prepare patient for what is to come – give an honest explanation of why you‟re doing investigations before you do them
Think ahead – invite family
members when results come back
If there is no family, take a
nurse (who has probably been preparing them anyway)
Ask patient what they understand
is happening or what they‟re scared of – gives you a good intro
· It is the patient‟s information – let them decide the pace and level of detail
· If the patient asks „have I got cancer‟ then they will have been thinking about it and will have a reason for asking – this is helpful
If the patient asks „What do you
think‟ then they‟re likely to be anxious. Need to open up discussion and give
them opportunity to express their fears
Break up the information – „chunk
and check‟. Check understanding bit by
„Denial‟ can be shock, disbelief,
or failure to understand. Denial is a longer-term pattern of behaviour. Whether
denial is bad or not depends on the consequences
Document your discussion and what
you‟ve said
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