Aims to:
o Confirm suspicion
o Exclude other causes that mimic it
o Measure severity
Are the conditions OK to do an
exam? Is the light in the room OK, is the patient positioned and exposed, etc
and look.
· Distress, comfort, central or peripheral cyanosis, pallor, jaundice, dehydration, SOB, how sick or well
Cachectic = severe loss of weight
and muscle wasting. Usually malignancy, but also severe cardiac disease (due to
anorexia from liver congestion and impaired absorption due to intestinal venous
Facies: features of the face
suggesting diagnoses: eg acromegaly, Cushing‟s, Down‟s, myxoedema, Parkinson‟s,
hair distribution in men and women, etc
Weight, body habitus and posture,
including deformities
Include vital signs in general
assessment: pulse, blood pressure, temperature, respiratory rate
Taking a temperature:
o Serial measurements the most useful
o Also take pulse – if temp should have heart rate (except in typhoid)
o Normal
Values Low High
§ Oral 36.6 37.2
§ In hot
weather +0.5 +0.5
§ Rectal +0.2 +0.5
§ Axillary -0.5 -0.5
Children. The most common
emergency presentation in paediatrics. Most common cause is viral infection,
otitis media, pharyngitis, and tonsillitis. Also consider bladder infection,
Rheumatic fever, Meningitis. Kids spike temperature easily. Febrile convulsions
occur between 18 months and 5 years. At other ages investigate other causes
Types of fever:
o Continued: does not remit e.g. typhoid, drug fever
o Intermittent: falls to normal each day – pyogenic infections, lymphomas
o Relapsing: returns to normal for days then rises again – Malaria,
lymphoma, pyogenic
See also:
o Pyrexia of unknown origin if returning from 3rd world
o Fever in a Neutropenic Patient
Formal definition: > 38 C, > 3 weeks, no known cause (ie
normal admission tests already done).
However, often used to describe a
temperature that that you haven‟t done any tests on yet
Usually an unusual presentation
of a common disease
History, exam, investigations,
time course, urgency and likely cause depend on setting:
o Community acquired (Classic PUO)
o Nosocomial PUO (ie hospital acquired)
o Immune-deficit or HIV related PUO
o Neoplasm: lymphoma, leukaemia (check lymph nodes), other (hepatic,
renal, other)
o Infection:
§ Bacterial: Tb, abscess (subphrenic, hepatic, pelvic, renal – look for
neutrophils), endocarditis (any dental work?), pericarditis, osteomyelitis,
cholangitis, pyelonephritis, PID, syphilis, cystitis
§ Viral: EBV, CMV, HBV, HCV, HIV, Varicella-Zoster
§ Parasitic: malaria, toxoplasmosis
§ Fungal
o Connective Tissue: RA, SLE, Vasculitis (eg polyarteritis nordosa – check
for Raynaud‟s phenomena – abnormal response in fingers to cold)
o Miscellaneous: drug fever (especially penicillins, sulphonamides),
Rheumatic fever, inflammatory bowel disease, granulomatous disease (eg
Sarcoid), Fictitious/Munchausen‟s (eg injecting themselves with saliva)
o Weight loss Þ chronic
o Check eyes: iritis in connective tissue disease, jaundice, etc
o Check tonsils, glands, ears for infection
o Travel (eg malaria, did they have prophylaxis)
o Exposure to others
o Sexual history
o Weight loss
o Been to other doctors (had any antibiotics)
o Occupational exposure (eg cows)
o Lymph nodes
o Heart murmurs
o Skin for rashes
o Abdominal exam
Possible investigations:
o Blood count
o Blood cultures
o Urine microscopy & culture
o Liver function (eg hepatitis)
o Viral serology
o Malaria film
o Chest X-ray
Sleep disturbance: eg anxiety,
sleep apnoea, narcolepsy,
o Depression
o Anaemia
o Endocrine: hypothyroidism, hypocortisol (Addison‟s), diabetes,
hypercalcaemia (due to PTH)
o Infection (eg EBV)
o Cancer
o Drugs: alcohol intoxication, sedative drugs,
o Head injury (eg subdural haematoma)
o Post ictal states
o Hypoglycaemia
o Hepatic encephalopathy, Wernicke‟s encephalopathy
o Chronic heart failure
o Malabsorption (eg coeliac disease)
o Pregnancy
· Sleepiness
Include in exam of appropriate
Need to retain 3 – 4 litres
before pitting begins
o Where is it? Distribution
o Is it pitting
o Other signs of inflammation
o ↓colloid osmotic pressure
o ↑hydrostatic pressure
o ↓permeability of wall
Localised Cause:
o Inflammatory (e.g. infection, allergy - cytokine mediated) ®
o Trauma
o Venous occlusion by tumour or lymph nodes
o Thrombis (e.g. DVT)
Generalised Cause:
o Is it bilateral? Usually worse in
the evenings
o Heart Failure:
§ Mechanism: ↑preload ® ↑venous pressure, ↓renal perfusion ® ↑renin ® ↑Na/H20
§ History: check SOB, orthopnea, PND
§ Signs/Tests: CXR, ECG, Echo
o Liver:
§ Mechanism: liver failure/malnutrition ® ↓colloid
pressure ® ↓renal flow ® ↑retention
§ History: check alcohol, cholestasis, hepatitis, bleeding, bruising
§ Signs/Tests: portal hypertension, enlarged liver, jaundice, bloods
(Liver Function, INR)
o Renal:
§ Mechanism: nephrotic syndrome ® ↓colloid pressure (have to loose
3.5 g protein a day to be nephrotic. NB nephritis is inflammation)
§ History: check change in urination, nocturia (due to diuresis), diabetes
§ Signs/tests: ↑BP, urine test, 24 hr urine, dipstick, urea/creatinine
o Drugs (eg vasodilators, like calcium channel blockers) can cause ankle
o Gastrointestinal: Malabsorption ® hypoalbuminaemia
Non-pitting lower limb oedema
o Lymphoedema (eg malignant invasion of lymphatics, allergy) doesn‟t pit –
push for 10 seconds
o Hypothyroidism
o Takes ~ 6 months for fingernails to grow out
o Clubbing:
§ Respiratory: carcinoma, fibrosis, cystic fibrosis, TB, chronic
suppuration (eg bronchiectasis), idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, NOT asthma or
CORD alone
§ Cardiovascular: infective endocarditis
§ Other (uncommon): cirrhosis, IBD, coeliac disease, thyrotoxicosis
o Blue: cyanosis, Wilson‟s disease
o Red: Polycythaemia (red-blue), carbon monoxide poisoning (cherry red)
o Pale nail bed: anaemia
o Koilonychia: spoon shaped nails in Fe deficiency
o Leuconychia: white nails in hypoalbuminaemia
o Mee‟s lines: single white transverse line in renal failure
o Splinter haemorrhages: usually trauma (especially manual workers) or
infective endocarditis, rarely vasulitis (eg in rheumatoid arthritis),
polyarteritis nodosa, sepsis, blood malignancy or profound anaemia
o Check capillary refill: squeeze nail and see how long it takes to return
to red – sign of peripheral circulation. Normal < 2 sec
o Palmar erythema: pink spots on pale background – should be bilateral -
Chronic liver disease, pregnancy, rheumatoid arthritis, polycythaemia,
thyrotoxicosis, SLE
o Skin: subcutaneous bleeding: petechiae small, purpura bigger, ecymosis –
biggest. Petechiae caused by a platelet problem, not due to coagulopathy
o Dupuytren‟s Contracture: extend fingers back – shortening of palmar
aponneurosis – in alcoholic liver disease, epilepsy, manual workers and
o Asterixis: metabolic flap – coarse, non-symmetrical – neural inhibition ®
encephalopathy in renal failure (urea), respiratory failure (CO2),
liver failure (nitrogenous material), hypoglycaemia, barbiturate poisoning
o Raynaud‟s Syndrome: intermittent attacks of ischaemia of fingers or toes
due to intense arterial vasospasm, often precipitated by cold or emotional
o Tendon Xanthomata: lipid deposits in tendons of hands or arms in
Recent onset of severe headache:
the most common cause is idiopathic
Ask about
Red flags: fever, change in
mental status/personality, fits, focal neurological signs, sudden and severe,
affected by postural change, normally headache free, waking at night or in the
morning with a headache
Types of headache:
o Tension headaches, eg chronic daily headache, gradual onset (chronic),
sleep not disturbed, treat by ¯stress (massage, relaxation). ? Depression. Types: post-coital,
ergotamine misuse
o Cluster headache: clusters of extreme, recurrent non-throbbing deep pain in and around an eye, spreading onto the
face. Eye typically becomes swollen and watery
o Migraine: visual symptoms, unilateral, throbbing, nausea, aura
o Facial structure: eg TMJ dysfunction, sinusitis, NOT teeth
o Neuralgic: eg idiopathic, trigeminal neuralgia
o „True vascular headache‟: associated with TIA/stroke, artery dissection,
giant cell arteritis
o Associated with ICP: focal lesions, venous thrombosis, meningitis, severe hypertension
o Acute: ?meningitis, sinusitis, head injury
o Associated with post Lumbar puncture
Treatment: Ongoing unchanged tension
or migraine headache: TCAs
Differential of morning headache:
o CO2
(eg sleep apnoea)
o Diabetic going hypoglycaemic overnight
Jaundice: primary liver disease,
liver congestion secondary to heart failure
Anaemia: pale conjunctiva –
especially anterior border just inside eye lid
Sclera not affected by
Puffiness below eye: early nephritis
(before feet oedema), myxoedema of hypothyroidism
Mouth: Foetor hepaticus,
ulceration, pigmentation, telangiectasia, gingivitis/hypertrophy, glossitis
Ulcers: aphthous, drugs (e.g.
gold), trauma, Crohn‟s, infection (HVZ, HS)
Pigmentation: heavy metals (lead,
iron), drugs (anti-malarials), Addison's, Melanoma, Kaposi‟s sarcoma
Snotty nose = coryza
Bacterial :
High fever : Runny
Pus/exudate : Red raw throat
Productive cough (if any) : Persistent dry cough
Whitish-yellow membrane over
tonsils - ?EBV
Patches of exudate on mucosa -
Differential: Bacterial sore
throat, viral URTI, glandular fever, rheumatic fever, quinsy (peri-tonsillar
abscess, can lead to airway obstruction)
Occipital Nodes: scalp
infections, bad nits, infected cradle cap, rubella
Mastoid and posterior auricular
Parotid: mumps
Posterior sternomastoid
Anterior sternomastoid: sore
Submandibular and Submental:
tooth infection, glandular fever
Superior, deep and lateral
cervical (internal jugular) nodes
Supra & sub-clavicular: lung
and lung surface infections, Tb, lung metastasis
Enlarged lymph nodes and oral
thrush ® ?AIDS
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