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Chapter: Microbiology and Immunology: Bacteriology: Campylobacter and Helicobacter

Treatment, Prevention and Control of Campylobacter Infections

Most C. jejuni infections are mild and self-limited. Therefore, they do not require antibiotic therapy. Supportive treatment is adequate.


Most C. jejuni infections are mild and self-limited. Therefore, they do not require antibiotic therapy. Supportive treatment is adequate. Treatment with antibiotics is recommended only for persons:

·           with fever, bloody diarrhea, or

·           with symptoms persisting for more than 7 days, and

·           for immunocompromised host.

Erythromycin is the antibiotic of choice. Ciprofloxacin and tetracycline are the alternative antibiotics, but are not recom-mended for use in young children. Recently, reports of eryth-romycin and ciprofloxacin resistant strains have increasingly been documented from many parts of the world.

Prevention and Control

Thorough cooking of all poultry products and strict personal hygiene (such as washing hands with soap before and after han-dling raw foods of animal origin) are some of the measures for preventing Campylobacter infections.

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Microbiology and Immunology: Bacteriology: Campylobacter and Helicobacter : Treatment, Prevention and Control of Campylobacter Infections |

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