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Chapter: Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing : Neurobiologic Theories and Psychopharmacology

The Nurse’s Role in Research and Education

Amid all the reports of research in these areas of neurobiology, genetics, and heredity, the implications for clients and their families are still not clear or specific.


Amid all the reports of research in these areas of neurobiology, genetics, and heredity, the implications for clients and their families are still not clear or specific. Often, reports in the media regarding new research and studies are confusing, contradictory, or difficult for clients and their families to understand. The nurse must ensure that clients and families are well informed about progress in these areas and must also help them to distinguish between facts and hypotheses. The nurse can explain if or how new research may affect a client’s treatment or prognosis. The nurse is a good resource for providing information and answering questions.

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Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing : Neurobiologic Theories and Psychopharmacology : The Nurse’s Role in Research and Education |

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