The Link-Power
Budget Equation:
that the losses for the link have been identified, the power at the receiver,
which is the power output of the link, may be calculated simply as [EIRP]
[LOSSES] [GR], where the last quantity is the receiver antenna gain.
carefully that decibel addition must be used.
major source of loss in any ground-satellite link is the free-space spreading
loss [FSL], the basic link-power budget equation taking into account this loss
only. However, the other losses also must be taken into account, and these are
simply added to [FSL]. The losses for clear-sky conditions are
[LOSSES] = [FSL] + [RFL] + [AML] + [AA] - [PL] equation for the received power is then
= [EIRP] x [GR] - [LOSSES]
[PR] received power, dBW
[EIRP] --> equivalent isotropic radiated power, dBW [FSL] free-space spreading loss, dB
--> receiver feeder loss, dB
--> antenna misalignment loss, dB
--> atmospheric absorption loss, dB [PL] polarization mismatch loss, dB
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