To increase the skills in stitching a T-Shirt.
To know about what kind of fabric should be selected and the ways
of stitchinga T-Shirt.
T-Shirt is worn by all men irrespective of their age.
Today T-Shirt is used by women also.
Yoke can be attached on the back side of T-Shirts to add
Collar can be attached along with the neck line.
Measuring Tools - Measuring Tape, Scale.
Drawing Tools - Brown Paper, Bell Pin, Table, Pencil.
Marking Tools - Tailor’s Chalk, Marking Wheel.
Cutting Tools - Scissors, Seam Rippers, Shears.
Stitching Tools - Thread, Hand Needle, Sewing Machine.
Ironing Tools - Ironing Board, Iron Box.
Fasteners Attachments - Buttons, Button Holes.
Cotton, Polyester, Terry Cotton, Spun.
1 meter
Age - 5 Years
Chest Circumference - 65 cm
Length - 45 cm
Shoulder Width - 26 cm
Arm Scye - 26 cm
Sleeve Length - 13 cm + 2 cm (Seam allowance)
AB = CD - Rectangle
AC = BD - 1/4 Chest Circumference (16 cm) + 3 cm (for ease)
AB = CD - Length (45 cm) + Hem allowance (4 cm)
A1 – A = B1 – B - Front Opening (3 cm)
AE - Front Neck Depth (5 cm)
AF - Neck Width (5 cm)
AG - 1/2 Shoulder Width (13 cm)
GH - 1/2 Upper Arm Circumference (13 cm)
HD - Side Seam
SG - Straight Grain
Back bodice
AB = CD - Length (45 cm) + Hem Allowance (4 cm)
AC – BD - 1/4 Chest Circumference (16 cm) + 3 cm (for ease)
AE - Back Neck Width (4 cm)
AF - Neck Width (5 cm)
AG - 1/2 Shoulder Width (13 cm)
GH - 1/2 Upper Arm Circumference (13 cm)
HD - Side Seam
SG - Straight Grain
Drafting procedure for sleeve
AB = CD - Sleeve Length + Hem (13 cm + 3 cm)
AC = BD - 1/2 Upper Arm Circumference (13 cm)
CE - 5 cm
DF - 2 cm
BF - Sleeve Hem
EF - Side Seam
Drafting procedure for collar
AB = CD - Collar Height (8 cm)
AC = BD - Collar Width (16 cm)
DF - 1.5 cm
AE - 1 cm
Drafting procedure for pocket
AB = CD - Height (12 cm)
AC = BD - Width (10 cm)
Cutting lines
Front Bodices - A1 E F G H D B1
Back Bodice - E F G H D B
Sleeve - A E F B
Collar - E C F B
Cut the shirt front bodice pattern such that the selvedges are in
the center front as plackets.
Cut the shirt back bodices pattern on lengthwise grain such that
the center back line is on fold.
Cut the sleeve pattern on length wise grain with enough material
for hem allowances.
Cut the collar on the cross wise grain with the center on fold.
Place the paper patterns on the fabric and cut with enough
Shirt Front - 2 Pieces
Shirt Back - 1 Piece
Sleeve - 2 Pieces
Collar - 2 Pieces
Attach the front and back bodice along with the shoulder line.
Sew the pocket on the left side of the front bodice pattern.
Join the side seams
Hem the sleeves and join the side seams.
The sleeve should be attached to the bodice part in its arm hole.
Join the two collar on all sides except the neck line.
Turn it to the right side and make a row of stitches.
Join the collar to the neck line.
Along the opening fix the button and button hole.
Cut the unwanted hanging threads.
Iron and fold the finished garment.
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