Akbar’s expansion of his empire in
Gujarat and Bengal facilitating his contact with European trading companies and the
establishment of Dutch and English settlements with the consent of Akbar and
Jahangir are narrated
During the corresponding period how the
Nayak rule in south India, especially the Nayak kingdoms in Madurai, Thanjavur and
Senji had come about, are explained. Dutch Settlement in Pulicat with the
permission of Nayak king in Senji is pointed out
Shivaji stalling Aurangzeb’s ambitious
plans to extend his influence in south India and his victory over the Nayak rulers of Senji
and Thanjavur facilitating Maratha rule in Thanjavur are highlighted
The establishment of successor states
after the death of Aurangzeb, the moving of the Dutch from Pulicat to Nagapattinam, and
the English moving from Surat to Bombay are dealt with
The economic condition of India during
the period of survey of political developments (1600-1750), with focus on cotton
cultivation in the field of agriculture, weaving in manufacturing sector and
merchant groups involved in overseas trade are explained
Advent of Europeans and their
collaboration with Indian merchants, laying the foundation for building a trading empire by the English are traced
Portuguese Settlements with Goa as
headquarters and the impact of Portuguese presence in India, in particular in Tamilnadu,
are elaborated
The Dutch East India Company’s
activities with focus on slave trade are discussed
Pondicherry becoming French settlement
and the rivalry between the French and the Dutch resulting in elimination of Dutch
presence in the south are explained
The Danes establishing their Lutheran
mission in Tranquebar and the role of Ziegenbalg as a missionary and the impact they
made in the region are described
English East India Company’s rivalry
with the French and the resultant three Carnatic Wars with focus on the leading roles
played by Robert Clive on the side of the English and Dupleix on the side of
the French are detailed
Battles of Plassey and Buxar that
decisively made the British a territorial power in India are highlighted
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