State level organization for
following are the organization acting at state level for housing program
1.Tamilnadu Housing Board [TNHB]
2.Tamilnadu Slim Clearance Board [TNSCB]
3.Tamilnadu Police Housing Corporation [TNPHC]
4.Co-opearive hosuing societies
development bank
6.Adidravidar housing development scheme [TAHDCO]
7.Building Centre [Located at collectorate of each districts]
8.Private housing finance
1. Tamilnadu Housing Board [TNHB]
TNHB was
formed I 1961 to cope up with the increaing demand in housing sector all over
the state of Tamilnadu due to urban growth leading to migration to urban areas
in search of employment opportunties. It is also the principal town planning
and city and Suburb development arm of the Tamilnadu Government. It under the
Department of Housing and Urban Developmet (Tamilnadu)
1. To clear
all the slums in Chemical and to proviode self contained hygienic tenements.
2. To
prevent the groeth of slams and encroachments
To prevent the eviction of slum dwellers by private
oweners and to provide the slum families with security of tenure.
provide basic amenities like water supply, street lights, storm water drains,
sewer line, etc to the slum areas.
Policies / Strategy
The Three
pronged strategy for developing / clearing slums followed by tamil nadu Slum
Clearance Board are:
i) In -
Situ plotted development and infrastructure improvement
In-situ plotted development is feasible, such slums are identified and taken up
for in-situ improvement for provision of absic facilities to make the areas
habitable and for provision of tenurial rights to the occupiers after getting
the land transferred to the tamilnadu slum clearance Board.
ii) In-situ tenemental schemes
The slums
located in unobjectionable poramboke areas, wherein equitable distribution of
space to all is not feasible, are cleared and tenemental (public housing)
schemes put up.
iii) Rehabilitation and
Resettlement scheme
neither tenemental nor insitu development is feasible, (as in the case of
objectionable porambokes like water ways etc.,) Rehabilitation and Resettlement
in tenements in nearby locations with necessary infrastructure is taken up. The
cleared site is then restored to its original use.
Other Programmes
i) Tamil
Nadu Slum Clearance Board has provided support to individual housing schemes
under different programmes like VAMBAY, Rajiv Gandhi
Package etc.,
ii) To ensure
holistic development and economic upliftment of the poor, the Board has
spear-headed community development activities in the slums, under which it
imparts vocational training and livelihood support, specially for the youth and
3. Tamil Nadu Police Housing
Corporation (TNPHC)
of Tamilnadu with a view to raising the level of satisfaction in housing for
police personal decided to construct houses for the Policemen and Police
Officers. Accordingly this Company was registered under the Companies Act 1956,
as a wholly owned Company of Tamil Nadu Government and came into being with
effect from 13.4.1981. While the Company was gradually increasing its
construction activities each year, the then Government based on the
recommendations of Ramanathan Committee constituted to study the viability and
usefulness of Public Sector Enterprises and other autonomous bodies. The
activities of this Corporation were then transferred to the Tamil Nadu Housing
4. Tamil Nadu Cooperative Housing
Federation (TNCHF) Introduction
Housing Department has at its command a vast network Housing Cooperatives both
in Rural and Urban centres for providing housing finance for improving housing
sock in Tamil Nadu. As many as 196 Taluk Cooperative Housing Societies are
catering to the demands of rural people, while a network of 574 Urban
Cooperative Housing Societies are meeting the housing needs in urban areas,
with all such societies affiliated to the Tamil Nadu Cooperative Housing
Federation Limited.
5. Tamil Nadu Adidravidar Housing and Development Corporation
Limited (TAHDCO)
Nadu Adi Dravidar Housing and Development Corporation
(TAHDCO) were incorporated in 1974 under the Companies Act, 1956 with a objective
to improve socio economic status in Tamilnadu.
has facilitated Self Help Groups through financial assistance for employment
ventures and to empower themselves by taking up a wide variety of economic
activities such as.
National Schemes
acts as a State Channelising Agency in implementing the National Schemes of the
Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Govt. of India
The Schemes are:
Scheduled Caste Finance and Development Corporation Scheme
Scheduled Tribes Finance and Development Corporation Scheme
Safai Karamacharis Finance and Development Corporation Scheme
Scheme for Liberation and rehabilitation of Scavengers and Dependents
National Scheduled Caste Finance
and Development Corporation (NSFDC)
assistance up to Rs.5 Lacs per beneficiary is given.
30% of
the Project cost subject to a maximum of Rs.25,000/- is given as subsidy.
Balance up to 90% is given as term loan from NSFDC.
is given for any viable income generating activity to scheduled Caste and
Money assistance - 20% of the Project Cost (or) Max. Rs.1.25 Lacs
National Scheduled Tribes Finance
and Development Corporation (NSTFDC)
Scheduled Tribes Finance and Development Corporation provide financial
assistance for schemes/projects for the economic development of scheduled
assistance up to Rs.5 Lacs per beneficiary is given.
30% of
the Project cost subject to a maximum of Rs.25,000/- is given as subsidy.
Balance is given as term loan from NSTFDC.
is given for any viable income generating activity to Scheduled Tribe
National Safai Karamcharis Finance and Development Corporation
assistance up to Rs.5.00 Lacs per beneficiary is given.
30% of
the project cost subject to a maximum of Rs.25,000/- is given as subsidy.
is given as term loan from NSKFDC/Banks.
is given for any viable income generating activity to sanitary workers and
their dependents.
National Scheme for Liberation
and Rehabilitation of Scavengers (NSLRS)
assistance up to Rs.50,000/- per beneficiary is provided.
30% of
the project cost subject to a maximum of Rs.10,000/- is given as subsidy.
amount is arranged as loan from NSKFDC/Banks.
is given to scavengers and their dependents for any viable incoming generating
activity as alternate source of livelihood.
6. Land Development Banks (LDB)
The special
banks providing Long Term Loans are called Land Development Banks (LDA). The
history of LDB's is quite old. The first LDB was started at Jhang in Punjab in
1920. But the real impetus to these banks was received after passing the Land
Mortgage Banks Act in 1930's (LDB's were originally called Land Mortgage
Banks). After passing this Act LDB's were started in different states of India.
The main
objective of the land development bank is to promote the development of
agriculture and increase the agricultural production. The CLDBs provide
long-term finance to PLDBs affiliated to them or finance directly through their
Banks have two-tier structure
1. Primary Land
Development Bank at
district level with
branches at taluka level.
2. State
Land Development Bank. All primary Land Development Banks are federated into
Central Land Development Bank at the State Level. In some States, there is 'Unitary
Structure' wherein, there is only one State Land Development Bank at the state
level operating through its branches and sub-branches at district and below
Primary Land Development Banks
banks were originally organized to cover one or a few taluks in the district.
At present they are eligible to cover one development block. All
land owners are eligible to become members and borrow funds by
ortgaging their land. The principal borrower is enrolled as
'A' class member and
others who
have interest in
the mortgaged property are admitted as 'B' class members.
Central Land Development Bank
members of the CLDBs are the PLDBs and a few individual promoters. It grants
long-term loans to agriculturists through the PLDBs and branches of CLDBs. It
raises funds through floating debentures, which are guaranteed by the State
Government. When PLDB obtains loan from the CLDB, it assigns the mortgage deeds
obtained from the borrowers to the CLDB. The CLDB floats debentures and raises funds
against the security of these properties. The NABARD and LIC subscribe for the
debentures in large amounts and the former also extends refinance assistance to
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