of HIV Disease
The stage of HIV disease is based on clinical
history, physical ex-amination, laboratory evidence of immune dysfunction,
signs and symptoms, and infections and malignancies. The CDC stan-dard case
definition of AIDS categorizes HIV infection and AIDS in adults and adolescents
on the basis of clinical conditions asso-ciated with HIV infection and CD4+ T-cell counts. The
classifi-cation system (Table 52-1) groups clinical conditions into one of
three categories denoted as A, B, or C.
The period from infection with HIV to the
development of anti-bodies to HIV is known as primary infection. During this pe-riod, there is intense viral
replication and widespread dissemination of HIV throughout the body. Symptoms
associated with theviremia range from none to severe flu-like symptoms. During
the primary infection period, the window period occurs because a person is
infected with HIV but tests negative on the HIV anti-body blood test. Although
antibodies to the HIV envelope glyco-proteins typically can be detected in the
sera of HIV-infected individuals by 2 to 3 weeks after infection, most of these
anti-bodies lack the ability to inhibit virus infection. By the time
neu-tralizing antibodies are detected, HIV-1 is firmly established in the host
(Wyatt & Sodroski, 1998). During this period, there are high levels of
viral replication and the killing of CD4 T cells, re-sulting in high levels of
HIV in the blood and a dramatic drop in CD4 T cell counts from the normal level
of at least 800 cells/mm3 of blood. About 3 weeks into this acute phase, individuals may display
symptoms reminiscent of mononucleosis, such as fever, enlarged lymph nodes, rash,
muscle aches, and headaches. These symptoms resolve within another 1 to 3 weeks
as the immune sys-tem begins to gain some control over the virus. That is, the
CD4 T-cell population responds in ways that spur other immune cells, such as
CD8 lymphocytes, to increase their killing of infected, virus-producing cells.
The body produces antibody molecules in an effort to contain the virus; they
bind to free HIV particles (outside cells) and assist in their removal
(Bartlett & Moore, 1998). This balance between the amount of HIV in the
body and the immune response is referred to as the viral set point and re-sults in a steady state of infection. During
this steady state, which can last for years, the amount of virus in circulation
and the num-ber of infected cells equal the rate of viral clearance (Ropka
& Williams, 1998).
Primary HIV infection, the time during which
the viral burden set point is achieved, includes the acute symptomatic and
early in-fection phases. During this initial stage, viral replication is
asso-ciated with dissemination in lymphoid tissue and a distinct immunologic
response. The final level of the viral set point is in-versely correlated with
disease prognosis; that is, the higher the viral set point, the poorer the
prognosis (Cates, Chesney & Cohen, 1997). The primary infection stage is
part of CDC category A.
reaching a viral set point, a chronic, clinically asymptomatic state begins.
Despite its best efforts, the immune system rarely if ever fully eliminates the
virus. By about 6 months, the rate of viral replication reaches a lower but
relatively steady state that is re-flected in the maintenance of viral levels
at a kind of “set point.” This set point varies greatly from patient to patient
and dictates the subsequent rate of disease progression; on average, 8 to 10
years pass before a major HIV-related complication develops. In this prolonged,
chronic stage, patients feel well and show few if any symptoms (Bartlett &
Moore, 1998). Apparent good health con-tinues because CD4 T-cell levels remain
high enough to preserve defensive responses to other pathogens.
Over time, the number of CD4 T cells gradually falls. Category B consists of symptomatic conditions in HIV-infected patients that are not included in the conditions listed in category C. These conditions must also meet one of the following criteria: (1) the condition is due to HIV infection or a defect in cellular immu-nity, or (2) the condition must be considered to have a clinical course or require management that is complicated by HIV infec-tion. If an individual was once treated for a category B condition and has not developed a category C disease but is now symptom-free, that person’s illness would be considered category B
When CD4 T-cell levels drop below 200
of blood, pa-tients are said to have AIDS. As levels fall below 100, the immune
system is significantly impaired (Bartlett & Moore, 1998). Once a patient
has had a category C condition, he or she remains in cat-egory C. This
classification has implications for entitlements (ie, disability benefits,
housing, and food stamps) since these pro-grams are often linked to an AIDS
diagnosis. Although the re-vised classification emphasizes CD4+ T-cell counts, it
allows for CD4+ percentages (percentage of CD4+ T cells of total lympho-cytes). The CD4+ percentage is less
subject to variation on re-peated measurements than is the absolute CD4+ T-cell count. Less than
14% of the CD4+ T cells of the total lymphocytes is consistent with an AIDS diagnosis.
The percentage, as compared to the absolute number of CD4+ T cells, becomes
particularly important when the patient has a heightened immune response to
infections in addition to HIV. One complication of advanced HIV infection is anemia,
which may be caused by HIV, oppor-tunistic diseases, and medications (Collier
et al., 2001).
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