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Chapter: User Interface Design

Selecting Menu Choices

Initial Cursor Positioning: If one option has a significantly higher probability of selection, position the cursor at that option.

Selecting Menu Choices


Initial Cursor Positioning


If one option has a significantly higher probability of selection, position the cursor at that option.


If repeating the previously selected option has the highest probability of occurrence, position the cursor at this option.


If no option has a significantly higher probability of selection, position the cursor at the first option.


Choice Selection


-   Pointers:

o   Select the choice by directly pointing at it with a mechanical device such as a mouse or trackball pointer, or light pen, or pointing with one’s finger.


o   Visually indicate:

§  Which options can be selected.

§  When the option is directly under the pointer and can be selected.


o   Visually distinguish single- and multiple-choice menu alternatives.

o   If pointing with a mechanical device is the selection method used:

§  The selectable target area should be at least twice the size of the active area of the pointing device or displayed pointer. In no case should it be less than 6 millimeters square.


§  Adequate separation must be provided between adjacent target areas.


o   If finger pointing is the selection method used:

§  The touch area must be a minimum of 20 to 30 millimeters square.

§  The touch area must encompass the entire caption plus one character around it.


-   Keyboard:

-   If moving the cursor to a menu choice:

§  The up and down arrow keys should move the cursor up or down vertically oriented menu options.


§  The left and right cursor keys should move the cursor left or right between horizontally oriented menu options.

-   If keying a choice identifier value within an entry field:

§  Locate the entry field at the bottom of the last choice in the array of choices.


§  Uppercase, lowercase, and mixed -case  typed  entries  should  all  be acceptable.


-   Selection/execution:

o   Provide separate actions for selecting and executing menu options.

o   Indicate the selected choice through either:

§  Highlighting it with a distinctive display technique.

§  Modifying the shape of the cursor.

o   Permit unselecting choice before execution.

§  If a menu is multiple choice, permit all options to be selected before execution.


-   Combining techniques:

o   Permit alternative selection techniques, to provide flexibility.




Provide a default whenever possible.

Display as bold text.


Unavailable Choices


Unavailable choices should be dimmed or “grayed out.”


Do not add or remove items from a menu unless the user takes explicit action to add or remove them through the application.


Mark Toggles or Settings


-   Purpose:

o   Use to designate that an item or feature is active or inactive over a relatively long period of time.


o   Use to provide a reminder that an item or feature is active or inactive.


-   Guidelines:

o   Position the indicator directly to the left of the option.


-   For situations where several nonexclusive choices may be selected, consider including one alternative that deselects all the items and reverts the state to the “normal” condition.


Toggled Menu Items



-   Use to designate two opposite commands that are accessed frequently.

-   Use when the menu item displayed will clearly indicate that the opposite condition currently exists.



-   Provide a meaningful, fully spelled-out description of the action.

-   Begin with a verb that unambiguously represents the outcome of the command.

-   Use mixed-case letters, with the first letter of each word capitalized.


Kinds of Graphical Menus


The best kind of menu to use in each situation depends on several factors. The following must be considered:


-   The number of items to be presented in the menu.

-   How often the menu is used.

-   How often the menu contents may change.



Menu Bar


Proper usage:

-   To identify and provide access to common and frequently used application actions that takes place in a wide variety of different windows.


-   A menu bar choice by itself should not initiate an action.


The advantages of menu bars are that they:


o   Are always visible, reminding the user of their existence. o Are easy to browse through.


o   Are easy to locate consistently on the screen.

o   Usually do not obscure the screen working area.


o   Usually are not obscured by windows and dialog boxes. o Allow for use of keyboard equivalents.


The disadvantages of menu bars are that:


o   They consume a full row of screen space.

o   They require looking away from the main working area to find.

o   They require moving pointer from the main working area to select.

o   The menu options are smaller than full-size buttons, slowing selection time. o Their horizontal orientation is less efficient for scanning.

o   Their horizontal orientation limits number of choices that can be displayed.




All primary windows must have a menu bar.


All menu bars must have an associated pull-down menu containing at least two choices.


Do not allow the user to turn off the display of the menu bar.


If all the items in its associated pull-down menu are disabled, then disable the menu bar item.


Display the disabled item in a visually subdued manner.


However, the disabled pull-down menu must always be capable of being pulleddown so that the choices may be seen.




Position choices horizontally over the entire row at the top of the screen, just below the screen title.


A large number of choices may necessitate display over two rows.




The window title will be the menu bar title.


Item Descriptions


The menu item descriptions must clearly reflect the kinds of choices available in the associated pull-down menus.


Menu item descriptions will be the “titles” for pull-down menus associated with them.


Use mixed-case letters to describe choices.

Use single-word choices whenever possible.

Do not display choices that are never available to the user.




Follow standard platform ordering schemes where they exist.

Place application-specific choices where they fit best.


Order choices left-to-right with:

Most frequent choices to the left.


Related information grouped together.

Choices found on more than one menu bar should be consistently positioned.

Left-justify choices within the line.


When choices can be logically grouped, provide visual logical groupings, if possible.


Help, when included, should be located at the right side of the bar.





Indent the first choice one space from the left margin.

Leave at least three spaces between each of the succeeding choices (except for Help which will be right-justified).


Leave one space between the final choice and the right margin.




Separate the bar from the remainder of the screen by:

A different background, or


Solid lines above and below.


Other Components


Keyboard equivalent mnemonics should be included on menu bars.


Keyboard accelerators, to a window indicators, and cascade indicators need not be included.


Selection Indication


Keyboard cursor:

Use a reverse video, or reverse color, selection cursor to surround the choice.


Cover the entire choice, including one blank space before and after the choice word.



Use reverse video, or reverse color, to highlight the selected choice.



Pull-Down Menu


Proper usage:

o   To initiate frequently used application actions that take place on a wide variety of different windows.

o   A small number of items.

o   Items best represented textually.

o   Items whose content rarely changes.

The advantages of pull-down menus are:

o   The menu bar cues a reminder of their existence.

o   They may be located relatively consistently on the screen. o No window space is consumed when they are not used.

o   They are easy to browse through.

o   Their vertical orientation is most efficient for scanning. o Their vertical orientation is most efficient for grouping.

o   Their vertical orientation permits more choices to be displayed.

o   They allow for display of both keyboard equivalents and accelerators.


The disadvantages of pull-down menus are:


o   They require searching and selecting from another menu before seeing options.

o   They require looking away from main working area to read.


o   The require moving the pointer out of working area to select (unless using keyboard equivalents).


o   The items are smaller than full-size buttons, slowing selection time.


o    The may obscure the screen working area.




Display all possible alternatives.


Gray-out or dim items that cannot be chosen due to the current state of an application.




Position the pull-down directly below the selected menu bar choice.




Must contain a minimum of two choices.

Restrict to no more than 5 to 10 choices, preferably 8 or less.




Not necessary on a pull-down menu. The title will be the name of the menu bar item chosen.


Item Descriptions


Use mixed-case, headline-style words to describe choices.

o   If the choices can be displayed graphically, for example, as fill-in patterns, shades, or colors, textual descriptions are not necessary.


Do not:

o   Identify a menu item by the same wording as its menu title.

o   Change the meaning of menu items through use of the Shift key.

o   Use scrolling in pull-downs.

o   Place instructions in pull-downs.




Follow standard platform ordering schemes when they exist.

o   Place application-specific choices where they fit best.

Place frequent or critical items at the top.

Separate destructive choices from other choices.

Align choices into columns, with:

o   Most frequent choices toward the top.

o   Related choices grouped together.

o   Choices found on more than one pull-down consistently positioned.

Left-align choice descriptions.


Multicolumn menus are not desirable. If necessary, organize top-to-bottom, then left-to-right.




Leave the menu bar choice leading to the pull-down highlighted in the selected manner (reverse video or reverse color).


Physically, the pull-down menu must be wide enough to accommodate the longest menu item description and its cascade or accelerator indicator.


Align the first character of the pull-down descriptions under the second character of the applicable menu bar choice.


Horizontally, separate the pull-down choice descriptions from the pull-down borders by two spaces on the left side and at least two spaces on the right side.


o   The left-side border will align with the left side of the highlighted menu bar choice.


o   The right-side border should extend, at minimum, to the right side of its highlighted menu bar choice.


o   Pull-downs for choices on the far right side of the menu bar, or long pull-down descriptions, may require alignment to the left of their menu bar choice to maintain visibility and clarity.




Provide groupings of related pull-down choices:

Incorporate a solid line between major groupings.


Incorporate a dotted or dashed line between subgroups.

Left-justify the lines under the first letter of the columnized choice descriptions.

Right-justify the lines under the last character of the longest choice description.


Display the solid line in the same color as the choice descriptions.


Mark Toggles or Settings


If a menu item establishes or changes the attributes of data or properties of the interface mark the pull-down choice or choices whose state is current or active



For nonexclusive items, display a check mark to the left of the item



If the two states of a setting are not obvious opposites, a pair of alternating menu item descriptions should be used to indicate the two states.


For exclusive choices, precede the choice with a contrasting symbol such as a diamond or circle.


Pull-Downs Leading to Another Pull-Down


If a pull-down choice leads to another pull-down, provide a cascade indicator as follows:


o   Place an arrow or right-pointing triangle after the choice description.

o   Align the triangles to the right side of the pull-down.

o   Display the triangle in the same color as the choice descriptions.


Pull-Downs Leading to a Window


For pull-down choices leading to a window:

o   Place an ellipsis (three dots) after the choice description.

o   Do not separate the dots from the description by a space.

o   Display the ellipsis in the same color as the choice descriptions.


Keyboard Equivalents and Accelerators


Provide unique mnemonic codes by which choices may be selected through the typewriter keyboard.


o   Indicate the mnemonic code by underlining the proper character.


Provide key accelerators for choice selection.

o   Identify the keys by their actual key-top engravings.

o   Use a plus (+) sign to indicate that two or more keys must be pressed at the same time.

o   Enclose the key names within parentheses ( ).

o   Right-align the key names, beginning at least three spaces to the right of the longest choice description.

o   Display the key alternatives in the same color as the choice descriptions.




Separate the pull-down from the remainder of the screen, but visually relate it to the menu bar by:


o   Using a background color the same as the menu bar.


o   Displaying choice descriptions in the same color as the menu bar.

o   Incorporating a solid-line border completely around the pull-down in the same color as the choice descriptions.


A drop shadow (a heavier shaded line along two borders that meet) may also be included.


Selection Cursor


Use a reverse video, or reverse color, selection cursor the same color as the menu bar to surround the choice.


Create a consistently sized cursor as wide as the pull-down menu.


Cascading Menus


Proper usage:

·        To reduce the number of choices presented together for selection (reduce menu breadth).


·        When a menu specifies many alternatives and the alternatives can be grouped in meaningful related sets on a lower-level menu.


·        When a choice leads to a short, fixed list of single-choice properties.


·        When there are several fixed sets of related options.

·        To simplify a menu.

·        Avoid using for frequent, repetitive commands.

The advantages of cascading menus are that:

·        The top-level menus are simplified because some choices are hidden.


·        More first-letter mnemonics are available because menus possess fewer alternatives.

·        High-level command browsing is easier because subtopics are hidden.


The disadvantages of cascading menus are:


·        Access to submenu items requires more steps.


·        Access to submenu items requires a change in pointer movement direction.


·        Exhaustive browsing is more difficult; some alternatives remain hidden as pull downs become visible.


Cascade Indicator


Place an arrow or right-pointing triangle to the right of each menu choice description leading to a cascade menu.


Separate the indicator from the choice description by one space.

Display the indicator in the same color as the choice descriptions.




Position the first choice in the cascading menu immediately to the right of the selected choice.


Leave the choice leading to the cascading menu highlighted.




Do not exceed three menu levels (two cascades).

Only one cascading menu is preferred.




Not necessary on the cascading menu.

The title will be the name of the higher-level menu item chosen.


Other Guidelines


Follow the organization, content, layout, separation, and selection cursor guidelines for the kind of menu from which the menu cascades.


Pop-up Menus


Use to present alternatives or choices within the context of the task.

The advantages of pop-up menus are:

·        They appear in the working area.

·        They do not use window space when not displayed. o No pointer movement is needed if selected by button. o Their vertical orientation is most efficient scanning. o Their vertical orientation most efficient for grouping.

·        Their vertical orientation allows more choices to be displayed.

·        They may be able to remain showing (“pinned”) when used frequently.

·        They allow for display of both keyboard equivalents and accelerators.


The disadvantages of pop-up menus are:


·        Their existence must be learned and remembered.

·        Means for selecting them must be learned and remembered. o They require a special action to see the menu (mouse click).

·        Items are smaller than full-size buttons, slowing selection time. o They may obscure the screen working area.

·        Their display locations may not be consistent.




Provide a pop-up menu for common, frequent, contextual actions.

·        If the pointer is positioned over an object possessing more than one quality (for example, both text and graphics), at minimum present actions common to all object qualities.


Items that cannot be chosen due to the current state of an application should not be displayed.


Continue to display a pop-up until:

·        A choice is selected.

·        An action outside the pop-up is initiated.

·        The user removes the pop-up.




Position the pop-up:

·        Centered and to the right of the object from which it was requested.


·        Close enough to the pointer so that the pointer can be easily moved onto the menu.

·        But not so close that the pointer is positioned on an item, possibly leading to accidental selection.


If the pointer is positioned in such a manner that the pop-up would appear offscreen or clipped, position the menu:


·        As close as possible to the object, but not covering the object.


·        So that it appears fully on the screen.




Restrict the pop-up to no more than 5 to 10 choices, preferably 8 or less.




Not necessary on a pop-up menu.

If included, clearly describe the menu’s purpose.


Locate in a centered position at the top.



Display in uppercase or mixed-case letters.


Separate it from the menu items by a line extending from the left menu border to the right border.


Other Guidelines


Arrange logically organized and grouped choices into columns.


If items are also contained in pull-down menus, organize pop-up menus in the same manner.


Left-align choice descriptions.

Use mixed-case headline-style words to describe choices.

Separate groups with a solid line the length of the longest choice description.


If the choice leads to a pop-up window, place an ellipsis after the choice description.


To separate the pop-up from the screen background:

Use a contrasting, but complementary background.


Incorporate a solid line border around the pull-down.


Tear-off Menus


It may also be called a pushpin, detachable, or roll-up menu. Its purpose is to present alternatives or choices to the screen user that are needed infrequently at some times


Follow all relevant guidelines for pull-down menus.


Advantages/disadvantages. No space is consumed on the screen when the menu is not needed. When needed, it can remain continuously displayed. It does require extra steps to retrieve, and it may obscure the screen working area.


Iconic Menus


Use to remind users of the functions, commands, attributes, or application choices available.


Create icons that:

Help enhance recognition and hasten option selection.


Are concrete and meaningful.

Clearly represent choices.






Pictures help facilitate memory of applications, and their larger size increases speed of selection. Pictures do, however, consume considerably more screen space than text, and they are difficult to organize for scanning efficiency.


To create meaningful icons requires special skills and an extended amount of time. Iconic menus should be used to designate applications or special functions within an application.


Icons must be meaningful and clear. They should help enhance recognition and hasten option selection.


Pie Menus


Consider using for:

Mouse-driven selections, with one- or two-level hierarchies, short lists, and choices conducive to the format.



Default Menu Items




A standard element, the File menu provides all the commands needed to open, create, and

save files. Some standard File functions are:


New Open Close Save  Save As      Print Preview  Print       Exit




A standard element, the Edit menu provides commands that affect the state of selected

objects. Some standard Edit functions are:


Undo         Cut    Copy Paste           Select All    Find  Replace




An optional element, the View menu provides commands that affect the perspective, details, and appearance of the application. They affect the view, not the data itself. The view functions are application-specific and include the following:

Toolbars Status BarMagnify Zoom In Zoom Out Grid Points




The Window menu, an optional element, provides commands to manipulate entire windows. Included are items such as:


New Window Arrange All     Hide  Show




The Help menu, a standard element, provides Help commands, including:

Contents    Search for Help on                                     How to Use Help  About (Application)


Functions Not Represented by Default Items





·        Provide a label for each command.

·        Use labels that indicate:

o   The purpose of the command, or

o   The result of what happens when the command is selected.


·        Use familiar, short, clear, concise words.

·        Use distinctive wording.

·        Use mixed case, with the first letter capitalized.

·        Begin commands with verbs or adjectives, not nouns.

·        Preferably, use only one word.

o   If multiple words are required for clarity, capitalize the first letter of each

o   significant word.


o   Do not use sentences as labels.


·        Provide an ellipsis (. . .) to indicate that another window will result from

·        selection of a command.


o   Do not use the ellipsis when the following window is a confirmation or warning.


Dynamic labels:

o   As  contexts  change,  dynamically  change  the  label  wording  to  make  its meaning clearer in the new context.

§  For example, after a cut operation, Undo may be changed to Undo Cut.


Disabled Commands


When a command is not available, indicate its disabled status by displaying it grayed out or subdued.


If selection of a disabled command is attempted, provide a message in the information area that the “Help” function will explain why it is disabled.



Navigation and Selection



·        Permit multiple methods for selecting commands.

Keyboard equivalents:

·        Assign a mnemonic for each command.

·        A mnemonic should be as meaningful as possible. Use:

o   The first letter of the command, or if duplications exist,

o   The first letter of another word in the command, or

o   Another significant consonant in the command.

·        For standard commands, use mnemonics provided by the tool set.

Keyboard accelerators:

·        Assign keyboard accelerators for frequently used commands.

·        For standard commands, use keyboard accelerators provided by the tool set.



·     Enable keyboard shortcut for web application

·     Mobile Applications

·     Online portal


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