In brief, a graphical user interface can be defined
as follows. A user interface, as recently described, is a collection of
techniques and mechanisms to interact with something. In a graphical interface,
the primary interaction mechanism is a pointing device of some kind.
What the user interacts with is a collection of
elements referred to as objects. They can be seen, heard, touched, or otherwise
perceived. Objects are always visible to the user and are used to perform
tasks. They are interacted with as entities independent of all other objects.
People perform operations, called actions, on
objects. The operations include accessing and modifying objects by pointing,
selecting, and manipulating.
of Graphics
Graphics revolutionized design and the user
interface. Graphics assumes three dimensional look whereas text based system
assumes one dimensional look.
Information can appear or disappear through
floating windows and navigation and commands can be done through menu or pull
downs or screen controls
Increased computer power and the vast improvement
in the display enable the user’s actions to be reacted to quickly, dynamically,
and meaningfully.
If properly used graphics can reduce mental and
perceptional load and increases information transfer between men and machine
because of visual comparisons and simplification of the perception of
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