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Chapter: User Interface Design

Functions of Menus

a menu can be used to perform several functions, to navigate to a new menu, to execute an action or procedure, to display information, or to input data or parameters

Functions of Menus


a menu can be used to perform several functions, to navigate to a new menu, to execute an action or procedure, to display information, or to input data or parameters


Navigation to a New Menu


Each user selection causes another menu in a hierarchical menu tree to be displayed.


The purpose of each selection is to steer the user toward an objective or goal.


Selection errors may lead the user down wrong paths, and cost time and, perhaps, aggravation, but these errors are nondestructive and usually undoable.


Execute an Action or Procedure


A user selection directs the computer to implement an action or perform a procedure.


The action may be something like opening or closing a file, copying text, or sending a message.


Accidental selection of critical irreversible actions must be prevented in interface design.


Displaying Information


The main purpose of selecting a menu choice may simply be to display information.


The user may be searching for specific information in a database or browsing the

Web. The content material and the user’s interests will determine the paths followed.

The user’s focus is primarily on the information desired and less on the selection function. Wrong turns in the process will again cost time and perhaps aggravation, but these errors are nondestructive and usually undoable.

Data or Parameter Input


Each selection specifies a piece of input data for the system or provides a parameter value. Data or values may be input on a single menu or spread over a hierarchy of menus.

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