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Chapter: 11th Zoology : Chapter 6 : Respiration

Respiration: Important Questions

Evaluation, Answer the questions, Multiple choice questions with answers / choose the correct answer with answers, Book back 1 mark questions and answers, Short answer and long answers for questions





1. Breathing is controlled by

a. cerebrum

b. medulla oblongata

c. cerebellum

d. pons


2. Intercostal muscles are found between the

a. vertebral column

b. sternum

c. ribs

d. glottis


3. The respiratory structures of insects are

a. tracheal tubes

b. gills

c. green glands

d. lungs


4. Asthma is caused due to

a. bleeding in pleural cavity.

b. infection of nose

c. damage of diaphragm.

d. infection of lungs


5. The Oxygen Dissociation Curve is

a. sigmoid

b. straight line

c. curved

d. rectangular hyperbola


6. The Tidal Volume of a normal person is

a. 800 mL

b. 1200 mL

c. 500 mL

d. 1100 – 1200 mL


7. During inspiration, the diaphragm

a. expands.

b. unchanged

c. relaxes to become domed–shaped.

d. contracts and flattens


8. CO2 is transported through blood to lungs as

a. carbonic acid

b. oxyhaemoglobin

c. carbamino haemoglobin

d. carboxy haemoglobin


9. When 1500 mL air is in the lungs, it is called

a. vital capacity

b. tidal volume

c. residual volume

d. inspiratory reserve volume


10. Vital capacity is

a. TV + IRV

b. TV + ERV

c. RV + ERV

d. TV + TRV + ERV

e. ERV + TV + TRV


11. After a long deep breath, we do not respire for some seconds due to

a. more CO2 in the blood

b. more O2 in the blood

c. less CO2 in the blood

d. less O2 in the blood


12. Which of the following substances in tobacco smoke damage the gas exchange system?

a. carbon monoxide and carcinogens

b. carbon monoxide and nicotine

c. carcinogens and tar

d. nicotine and tar


13. Column I represents diseases and column II represents their symptoms. Choose the correctly paired option

Column I : Column II

(P) Asthma (i) Recurring of bronchitis

(Q) Emphysema (ii) Accumulation of W.B.CS in alveolus

(R) Pneumonia (iii) Allergy

a. P = iii, Q = ii, R = i

b. P = iii, Q = i, R = ii

c. P = ii, Q = iii, R = i

d. P = ii, Q = i, R = iii


14. Which of the following best describes the process of gas exchange in the lungs?

a. Air moves in and out of the alveoli during breathing.

b. Carbon dioxide diffuses from deoxygenated blood in capillaries into the alveolar air.

c. Oxygen and carbon dioxide diffuse down their concentration gradients between blood and alveolar air.

d. Oxygen diffuses from alveolar air into deoxygenated blood.


15. Make the correct pairs.

Columan–I : Column–II

(P) IC : i. maximum volume of air breathe in after forced.

(Q) EC : ii. Volume of air present after expiration in lungs.

(R) VC : iii. Volume of air inhaled after expiration.

(S) FRC : iv. Volume of air exhaled after inspiration.

(a) P – i , Q – ii , R – iii , S – iv

(b) P – ii , Q – iii , R – iv , S – i

(c) P – ii , Q – iii , R – i , S – iv

(d) P – iii , Q – iv , R – i , S – ii


16. Make the correct pairs.

Columan–I - Column–II

(P) Tidal volume : i. 1000 to 1100 ml

(Q) Residual volume : ii. 500 ml

(R) Expiratory reserve volume : iii. 2500 to 3000 ml

(S) Inspiratory reserve volume : iv. 1100 to 1200 ml

(a) P – ii , Q – iv , R – i , S – iii

(b) P – iii , Q – ii , R – iv , S – i

(c) P – ii , Q – iv , R – iii , S – i

(d) P – iii , Q – iv , R – i , S – ii


17. Name the respiratory organs of flatworm, earthworm, fish, prawn, cockroach and cat.

18. Name the enzyme that catalyses the bicarbonate formation in RBCs.

Answer: Carbonic anhydrase

19. Air moving from the nose to the trachea passes through a number of structures. List in order of the structures.

20. Which structure seals the larynx when we swallow?

21. Resistance in the airways is typically low. Why? Give two reasons.

22. How the body makes long–term adjustments when living in high altitude.

23. Diffusion of gases occurs in the alveolar region only and not in any other part of the respiratory system. Discuss.

24. Sketch a flow chart to show the path way of air flow during respiration.

25. Why is pneumonia considered a dangerous disease?

26. Explain the conditions which creates problems in oxygen transport.



Apnoea – Temporary stopping of respiration.

Book gills – Respiratory organs in aquatic Limulus.

Book lungs – Respiratory organs of Scorpions and most spiders.

COLD – Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease.

Dyspnoea – painful respiration.

Epiglottis – a thin elastic cartilaginous flap which covers the glottis and prevents the entry of food into the larynx.

Haemoglobin – iron containing red pigment of RBCs of vertebrates, gives red colour to blood.

Herring-Breuer reflex – a defensive mechanism against over dilation of lungs.

Hypoxia – the failure of tissues for any reason to receive an adequate supply of oxygen.

Pneumothorax – presence of air in the pleural cavity which causes collapsing of lungs.

Vocal cords – sound regulating cords also called larynx or voice box.

Yawning – prolonged inspiration due to increase in CO2 concentration.

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