Relationship of Auditing with other
Auditor has to review and evaluate the
financial statements by providing an opinion. Therefore, he should have
thorough knowledge about accounting concepts and principles.
Auditor deals with financial data and
the amount that appears in financial statements. Hence, it requires knowledge
of calculation procedure involved in computing various items, for example.,
depreciation, provision for bad debts, tax etc.
Auditor is also expected to have
knowledge of statistical sampling for making meaningful conclusion.
Auditor requires knowledge regarding
business and economic environment affecting the client. Thus, economic concepts
are required to perform auditing in a meaningful way.
Audit of a business concern has to be
undertaken with respect to conformity with law. Thus, an auditor should have
sound knowledge of laws affecting the client.
In recent times, clients maintain their
accounts in computer information system. Thus, working knowledge on computer is
required for auditors to conduct audit in an effective way.
Auditor to understand and evaluate the
financial statements in a better way should have knowledge of financial
Auditor has to deal with many personnel
to conduct the audit efficiently. Hence, he should have the tact of getting
along with people.
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